Just wondering


Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
Hi there,

I'd simply like to know if this forum also disconnects you after 5 mins of inactivity?
No big issue, just tiring having to reconnect yourself every time. Looked into the CP and checked if this was an option but I doubt it is. Cookie issue? Or only board setup?

Cheers lads.
think its an issue your end as im always sgned when i come to teh site, so guess cookie issue. are you clicking on the remember me box when you log in?
No I fell asleep last night while logged on and woke to find myself still logged on after 5 hrs.
Okay cheers all. Cookie issue it is. The remember me option should only matter if I leave the site, which I don't.
Can be locked.
The session expires after 15 minutes of inactivity.
Unless you click 'Remeber Me' when you log in.

Another thing is, when you are writing a big update for a story, then press submit, it logs you out automatically, and your data has gone, can you stop this Sean?
Tony,were advised to write out updates on word first then just copy and paste onto the thread.Thats what most do as it you can do a spell check.
Back on topic i presonally have never been logged out after a period of inactivity! So maybe its your cookies!
what happened to my like bar its been gone for ages :(

sorry for spamming this thread but i didnt want to make one for this (A)
You get a certain amount of 'Likes' per day Calum.

You've probably used them all up is all.
what happened to my like bar its been gone for ages :(

sorry for spamming this thread but i didnt want to make one for this (A)

You get 25 likes per day.