
Jun 19, 2010
Reaction score
Well, the basic idea behind this was to play school football. No great ideas, just "Keep It Simple Stupid". We push them high up, stretch them and score. To stretch them, you must use play wider shout, so since balls will be played on the flanks, and not in the middle, the flanks must be creative. They create the chance, and striker scores them. The backline just guards, and midfield just connects offense and defense. Can't be more simple then that. The tactic should work well during bad weather conditions aswell, as it focuses play wide, where pitch is less likely to be muddy.

This is the tactic:

View attachment 361876

It hasn't been tested thoroughly, I only just "invented" it, played two games with arsenal in the middle of my second season, so I will post screenhots when I play a few more games.

Training, OI and all else leave to assistant. (I play FMC)

Tactic should work in all patches, unless SI games screws the ME....
I don't want to be rude but did you have any successful tactic till now?
Keep going mate, this FM is not easy and the fact your still trying to create tactics is admirable. I stopped playing about 3 months ago and recently started playing again a few weeks back. I've not given up on CM/FM since I started back in 1997, I just had to face the fact this FM is beyond what I'm capable of. Good to see that your still going.
just a suggestion I would play a sweeper keeper with that high defensive line. Just opinion
Keep going mate, this FM is not easy and the fact your still trying to create tactics is admirable. I stopped playing about 3 months ago and recently started playing again a few weeks back. I've not given up on CM/FM since I started back in 1997, I just had to face the fact this FM is beyond what I'm capable of. Good to see that your still going.

My first was CM Italia 93....I used to lose 6-0 and end up wining 7-6 in that. Now it's a bit different, I must admit :D
If I might suggest, go here Touchline Instructions | Football Manager 2013 Guide

It is about fm13, their older guide, but it will give you a perspective of what actually happens when you use shouts. I find it more valuable now then in fm13.
just a suggestion I would play a sweeper keeper with that high defensive line. Just opinion

It might work, but he might try to start counter attacks by long kicks or quick throws, and I really want to keep possession. I could perhaps order him to distribute to defenders, but that would put my defence under pressure if I encountered a high pressing team. Thanks for suggestion though.
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