Kit making help

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Jan 6, 2010
Reaction score
I've made a few kits on photoshop and I was just wondering how I could put them into the actual game.

Thanks in advance:D
save the kits as PNG. then, re-open in Photoshop, and re-size to 160x160 pixels(press CTRL+ALT+I), and save. then put kits in folder - user/sports interactive/FM10/graphics/kits. You may need to create a kits folder. then, make a config file. USe the one I have attached as a template.

<record from="2062002128a" to="graphics/pictures/team/2062002128/kits/away"/>
<record from="2062002128h" to="graphics/pictures/team/2062002128/kits/home"/>
<record from="2062002128t" to="graphics/pictures/team/2062002128/kits/third"/>

Where I have coloured red, that is where the name of the file goes(man utd home for example). Change that to the EXACT name of your kit, on each line

The bold italic is where you put the team's unique ID number. You can find this by going in-game - Preferences->Display & Sound->check the box that says 'show unique IDs(check screenshot).
View attachment 42405

The Bold is where you put which kit it is. No explanation needed here

Then, save as config.xml, and put this in the folder with the kits.

In Game, go Preferences->Display & Sound-> check reload skin o confirm, and uncheck use skin cache, then hit confirm.

Hope I helped:)
NP, if you follow that, you shouldnt have a problem :)
hi, sorry if this is a think question, but ive cropped some kits ive made, and theyre rectangle shaped, so their pixel dimensions are higher on the latitude, so if i resize so that latitude is 160p, and the longitude is 136, will this still work, or do i need to redo it? :) thanks
If you have made the kits, they should automatically re-size to 160x160.
Anyone know how to make a crest for the kits?
anyone can help?
i followed exactly like what stuartwatson told. saved the kits in png. changing the pixel to 160x160 pix, renaming the kits to the correct id of my club like 2062002128_home etc. and changing the config file as it should be. uncheck skin cache and check reload skin on confirm.
i have redone this many times but still my custom kits wont show up in the game.
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