Kit Request

Aug 11, 2009
Reaction score
Im back!
This is my new thread on Kit Request after some very help full constructive critasism about my sponsors being to low down the shirt but now im here and i have taken the comments to consideration.

At the MOMENT i do 3 styles but anyother style's wanted i will try my best to attempt.

The 3 styles i do at the moment are Project Dummy and AK11 and CK(Catolouge Kits) But AK11 and CK and Basically the Same (Arsenal Is AK11 Stoke is CK) but as i said any other styles you wish me to try for you or for anyone else just ASK

I also to Fantasy Kits, Current Kits And i will try at any old kits you would like and finally to make live easier for me set you're request out in this format if you will

Team Name :
Sponsor :
Kit Manufacturer ( Nike, Adidas,etc ) :
Kit Template (Project Dummy,AK11, CK Or Anyother You want me to try ) :
Home Kit :
Away Kit :
Third Kit (Optional) :
Last edited:
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I'm trying to make these fit my new team that i have created, this is my first attempt and i appreciate that they are abit naff, however i would appreciate any help you can provide to either make these more realistic "with the sponsor mainly". Can you provide a config file for them as all my attempts to load these up are frankly rubbish.

These are the colour schemes i would like.

Team name is Real Bradford Fc
Sponsor is Trueachievements
kit manufacturer is NIKE
and the kits are listed of order, Home, Away, third.

I'm sorry but i have no idea of what kit template to use. i used smart shirt designer 2, but as i say i couldn't get them to work on the game so i'm deffo doing something wrong.

any chance able to make these for my NY/NJ Metrostars team

NY/NJ Metrostars old kits
metrostars front of shirt
black red home shirt SS style
black white away shirt SS style