KotW Champions League Week 13


Dec 30, 2009
Reaction score
KotW CL Week 13: Colour Week

Thanks to Calum for the suggestion this week

This weeks challenge is to create a home and away kit for ANY team. There is a catch however. The home kit must be green and the away yellow. Other colours may be used but the main colours must the above specified. It doesnt matter if your club doesnt naturally have green/yellow as that isnt important. Any entries that dont have 60% of the specified colour will be deemed ineligible and disqualified.

Deadline is Friday 3/2/12 at 6PM GMT. Any entries posted later than this will not be considered.
Follow the brief. Any kits that dont will be disqualified.
Team colours must be the main colour of the home kit, away kit can be any colour
When uploading kits make sure they are 250x250 pixels.
The home and away must be completely different colours. Trims can be the same colour, but make sure the main colour is different. Failure to do this will result in a DQ.
One a kit is posted, you cannot change without permission, and a good reason. Any that are changed without permission will be removed.
DO NOT VOTE FOR YOUR OWN KIT!!!!!. As simple as that sounds, people keep doing it. The excuse 'I didn't know it was against the rules' will not work

Points breakdown:
1st Place----10 pts
2nd Place----8 pts
3rd Place----6 pts
4th Place----4 pts
5th Place----2 pts
Outside the top 5 you get 1 point each week you enter
I'll kick things off with Wolfsburg :)


Ok here is my entry - hoping to do a bit better than last week - but seeing Kev's entry.... :( lol

Saint Etienne

Some nice kits here....wish I had entered :p.