Last 4 Penalties missed, AI is converting them all... is SI f***** us up?


Dec 15, 2009
Reaction score
I am currently playing with Villarreal and I noticed that almost every single penalty is being hold by the opposition keeper. I dont even become happy when I get a penalty, since I know, whoever will shot, keeper is going to hold it. It is so frustrating, I deleted my older saves because of these frustrating things. I really hesitated to write it and thought it might just be random, bad luck or call it what you want, but it can not be random, when I had 3 different saves and made the same observations. But when the AI has a penalty, off course they will finish...
Did anyone else make these kind of observations?
The match engine can't differentiate between you and the AI. Therefore it is impossible that it can be biased against the player.
It may not be random, but it is you. The AI has exactly the same tools as you, so all it is, is that they are managing better than you.

Try and find a pattern. If it's the same guy missing, then use someone else. Or try and find a possible weakness in those who do miss. You need to take Penalty Taking, Composure and Body Language into account at least. Then there are also hidden attributes.
Id had one player miss 2 in game, switched taker, next 5 pens top corner, no messing.
I will now collect data and screenshots... still hate these "its your tactic" guys... currently third in my west hame save with my own tactic, sakho, who has more than 20 goals in the season so far, misses once again a penalty against liverpool... so ennoying, that I didnt collect all the screenshots from my other saves, but now have started and I will prove that there is something wrong... when I have a penalty, I dont even look at the desktop, I know it is being missed. when the opposition has, its over for me... cant be just random. also have some screenshots, looks like SI doesnt want us to win away as huge underdogs unless you have those ultra exploiting tactics... I am playing defensive and still conceded against city, arsenal, manchester united and tottenham in the very last minute. gonna post these screens after the end of the season... just continue to give me reasons, that the ME would not differentiate between ai and me...
I will now collect data and screenshots... still hate these "its your tactic" guys... currently third in my west hame save with my own tactic, sakho, who has more than 20 goals in the season so far, misses once again a penalty against liverpool... so ennoying, that I didnt collect all the screenshots from my other saves, but now have started and I will prove that there is something wrong... when I have a penalty, I dont even look at the desktop, I know it is being missed. when the opposition has, its over for me... cant be just random. also have some screenshots, looks like SI doesnt want us to win away as huge underdogs unless you have those ultra exploiting tactics... I am playing defensive and still conceded against city, arsenal, manchester united and tottenham in the very last minute. gonna post these screens after the end of the season... just continue to give me reasons, that the ME would not differentiate between ai and me...
Okay, you read the first reply to you. Now try reading the next 2.

There just simply is no differentiation between AI and human in the ME. It's not opinion. It's a fact.
seriously, who claims, its a fact? how do you know it? because SI said it? do you think the developers of this game are telling its buyers: yes, youre right, we didnt manage to develop a fine match engine and in order to make the game a bit more challenging, we are ******** you a little bit up, by making ai teams score in almost every single key scene, while yours are treated like extended scenes and by making you miss almost 3 from 4 penalties, because otherwise with this bugged transfer behaviour of ai teams, it would become to easy the game...
Because SI say so. Because mods say so. Some users worked at SI before (some still do) and they all say it as well... and they should know. Because we have more than enough experience with the game. Some of us are/were beta testers as well, so it's worth taking advice of long-time users onboard.

By the way, use a larger sample size than 4 penalties. It doesn't make any logical sense to look at such a short period.

Penalty conversion rates are pretty much spot on compared to real life, so it isn't an issue with the ME.

Instead of going on, doing the exact same thing, expecting different results - actually read the advice/comments and do something about it.
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