
Jun 29, 2015
Reaction score
I have decided to have a go of Leicester and see if i can turn them into champions. The only thing is I am not completly sure on what tactics to go with as my predominent procedeure for the season. I do want to experiment a little bit as well.

I was thinking 3 centre backs(1 will be playing in a sweeper type role), 2 wingbacks (complete wing backs), 2 centre midfielders (advanced playmaker and box to box), and 3 strikers (false none, deep laying, and poacher)!

Attacking, fluid, fast paced and aggressive style of play... with possesion

I do love using wingers though so I am not to sure on the above tactics.

What do you guys think?

Or stay with a standard back 4, two centeral mids, 2 wingers, attacking central mid, and a lone striker as a target man.
That back 3 tactic sounds very aggressive and open.

Anyway, try it if it's how you want to play and you have a proper plan that you're trying to execute.