
Jul 21, 2012
Reaction score
Need ALOT of help figuring out the best tactic/way to play with my beloved Pool is.

I've done some research my-self and come across alot of people saying play a 4-1-2-2-1 with wingers as the Inside forward.

Still got default squad but would also be hugely appreciated if anyone could give me tips on the best thing to do with Liverpool. Also seen alot of people saying they sold Reina and Glen Johnson, Is that the best option to do? And maybe replace them with youngsters?

a MASSIVE thanks in advance.

Glen - Skrtel - Agger - Enrique
Lucas - Sahin
Sterling - Gerrard - Suarez

Sweeper keeper
full back - central defender - ball playing cb - full back
ball winning - deep lying play
winger - advanced play - inside forw

something along those lines...maybe play downing left and suarez ST

control, short passing, fluid

If you use an update have sturridge as ST
I was like you. I love Liverpool. Every year a new version of this game comes out and I just wont go any other team other than Liverpool. I've tried several tactics on here but with no joy. I normally get to December time and then get sacked. I decided to use one of Mr Langvatn's tactics but again I had no joy and was on the verge of being sacked again! I decided to make amendments to it and to my suprise, I started to get the results in which Liverpool should be getting :) I went from being just above the relegation to finishing in 4th place. I also won the capital one cup and finished runners up in the fa cup. Currently in my second season and doing really well. Still in every competition and currently lying in 3rd place in the league just 3 points behind 1st place mid way through the season. The tactic you can find here

Spin the Wheel 4-5-1 amended version Chubzy84 - Downloads - Football Manager 2013 Tactics, Wonderkids & Cheats

Checkout the description and screen shots. Some impressive results there for all to see.

I’ll try to describe my approach to LFC game this year. I have to admit that new match engine has surprised me in a very positive way because I hate any kind of exploitable tactics and I hope that such tactic will never be invented.
I’ve played a half of first season already till the end of January and my team takes a proud 2nd​ place in the league just after Man City which loses points very rarely.
I didn’t buy any new players (I’ve ticked such option before starting the game which forbids buying new players) and loaned out some youngsters and unnecessary players (Pacheco, Downing, Cole).
The most important: tactics. Liverpool suffers from lack of strikers and has a good amount of decent defenders (and several prospects). So my main tactic looks very defensive:
Reina – Agger, Coates, Skrtel – Enrique, Johnson – Gerrard, Sahin (DLP), Lucas (Allen) – Suarez – Borini (poacher)
Team Instruction: style balanced, strategy standard, everything default.
I’m watching the game on full at least 15 first minutes and adjust my team to the current situation on the pitch using shouts (always), individual instructions or sometimes I have to change a bit my formation (for example 2xSC instead of AMC + SC).
All youngesters play a lot games (Wilson, Kelly, Robinson, Shelvey, Hendo, Suso, even Yesil and Flanagan) what makes board very happy.
I’m always pay much attention for setting marking for my players properly. If my rival plays with one slow striker, I set my center DC as a stopper and man marking his SC (cover if this striker is very fast). If there is 2 SC, my center DC has set zonal marking and both remaining DCs are marking both strikers individually. The same with midfield – I force my center MC (DLP) to man marking AMC. If my rival don’t use AMC, my center MC has zonal marking. I think that marking settings can have a crucial impact for the game. It’s also important to react when AI change its tactic – if you don’t, your defenders will probably lose themselves.
This style of play is very enjoyable for me and it results with very high place in the league. Finally I feel that most of matches are under my control.
I,m using TBH's 4-5-1 tactic and its been really good. Im second in the league and Suarez is scoring for fun.