
Oct 23, 2013
Reaction score
I could never really figure out if one was a better option than the other, but my plan in my current NUFC save is to only loan out players who are 20+ and not good enough yet for my senior side.

Just curious if there is a big difference or not? I have good youngster coaches since I really want to grow my own players. My plan is basically to keep them on my U21 side, run their training and give certain guys minutes in cup games.

Will they still grow that way and will they grow at a good rate, or is it best to loan them out where I can't really control their training/play time?

Loaning can mess up home grown status too, correct?
Yes, the loaning can mess up the home grown status so be careful.
I like to keep my young players in the u21 because i have good training facilities and great coaches. I only loan them out if the other team can provide these as well plus regular playing in their first team.

edit: I like to loan them too playable leagues too. I think they develop better there.
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The way I develop.

I have my main team of 18 players that are any age.

The rest of my team i have in the U21's (all youngsters) and bring them up to the 1st team when needed.

I loan out if they are not getting much game time in the U21's and if the team has top facilities.

Best coaches possible.

Individual training myself. Match is HOYD

I have such a small first team because it allows the youngsters to get more playing time and therefore develop better (obviously they have to have decent potential)


Keep them if your facilities and coaches are good and you can afford them enough playing time.

here is roughly the minimum playing time they should get. (first team)

<16= 1 or 2+
16= 5+
17= 10+
18= 15+
19= 20+
20= 25+
21= 30+

this includes substitute app's.

hope this helps.
Not going to copy/quote Bakestar's entire post but some good ideas there.

Re. the home grown stats, remember 'trained in country' & 'trained at club' are 2 different but not mutually-exclusive stats.

Both take 3 years and need to be accomplished between ages 15-21 so you have 3 years to 'play with'.

No matter what level you are playing at, if UK club always a good idea to try and get an EU affiliation sorted out - that's one thing no one has mentioned yet, if you want to sign e.g. Humam Tariq, and he fails WP, you can punt him to an affiliate for a few months then reapply for a UK WP.

If you have great youth facilities & coaches - well, you're paying for them so you might as well use them rather than send your re-gen wonderkid out on loan to Kidderminster (big up Kidderminster).

There is no real substitute for giving youth players time in the 1st team but, if you are like me and vacuum up loads of under 19 & 21 internationals that's just not always possible. As long as they are playing to a decent standard AND ACTUALLY GETTING GAME TIME, nothing wrong with that - with the caveat that if you want them to be HG, they'll need to stick around for at least 3 years - which doesn't need to be contiguous.

QUICK EDIT: Also, if you keep players at your club, you can pick & choose which If (if any) mentor / tutor to use.

Not going to write a whole spiel on 'hidden stats', sure someone has already and general principles won't have changed too much since FM 14.
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.. Btw, if you've gotten a player from your youth intake, it's safe to loan them out, w/o worrying about HG status. Although, I must mention this was on 14, so dunno if it is the same on 15. Check their playing history/squad registration, if it already states HG at Club, you're good to go.
.. Btw, if you've gotten a player from your youth intake, it's safe to loan them out, w/o worrying about HG status. Although, I must mention this was on 14, so dunno if it is the same on 15. Check their playing history/squad registration, if it already states HG at Club, you're good to go.

its the same! great point forgot about that
I'm a big fan of loaning out players that wont get enough first team games for me, but am quite specific with who I loan to. So I will usually only loan players out to top european division clubs, or sometimes championship teams, and only if they're minimum first team. Preferably key player, and playing in the position I want them to develop in, if an offer doesn't tick all those boxes I'll leave them in U21s.
Thanks guys, sounds like my initial plan was the right direction.

I started as NUFC and they have some decent youth to start (Armstrong, Barslar, Woodman, Satka (sometimes), Kemen, Broccoli) and I grabbed up a few U18 players to groom (Coric, D. Halilovic, Ajer, etc.). Plan was to hold my top youth on the team so I can specifically focus them towards the training I want and get HG status, but loan out some of my guys who are already home grown or 20+.

Also, good note on youth intake. I didn't know that. I was always worried in FM14 about letting top youth go out before HG at club status.

One last thing: Should I keep them on U18 if they're under 18 or still play them on U21? I'm planning to loan out my ok/depth level guys and field all my youth on U21.
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One last thing: Should I keep them on U18 if they're under 18 or still play them on U21? I'm planning to loan out my ok/depth level guys and field all my youth on U21.

Your top prospects should be promoted to U21, rest should remain at U18s. That way, they'll all get some game time.
The home grown thing has been explained, and isn't really too much of a problem unless you want 'trained at club' status or if you bounce them around from country to country from one transfer window to the next.

It may be a bit different with Newcastle. But i like to actually manage my reserves/u19/U21/whatever it is on FM15 (i haven't played yet) in the youth champions league. You could take charge for their u21 league games i suppose but i don't have the patience for that lol. The reason for me doing that is to see how they respond to my tactics and teamtalks etc, as well as a bit of casual scouting of other european teams youngsters.

The point being, if they are playing regularly in a decent league/continental competition at your club (whether you manage the matches or not isn't so important) with good training facilities and coaches etc then i would be inclined to keep them at your club. Use the cups to play them, and even play a few of the better ones against very weak league opponents at home to give them first team experience.

I only loan players out in the following situations:

A. They develop 'too quickly' - ie if a 16 year old wonderkid prospect is signed and then before he is even 18 is looking like he will be a beast, but i have a world class player (or maybe 2) in his playing position, i need to loan him out. But only to a very good club who see him as a starter.

B. They have developed slower than i thought, once they reach early/mid twenties and they still aren't knocking on the door of the first team for a starting place, it is time to make a judgement call. If i have faith that the player can develop then i will loan him to give him game time and hope he improves. If i don't think he will ever make the grade i will loan him out to put him in the shop window and increase his value (hopefully) due to more game time. He may also go on to prove me wrong, do really well and come back as a serious first team option.

C. The player needs to be loaned to an affiliate for work permit reasons.

D. When managing in the youth champions league, if we are knocked out early i often take advantage of the january window to loan out some of the guys who have impressed me. I try and get these guys to decent clubs and ensure they are starters so i can see how they do in say 15 or so league games during the February, March, April/May run in.
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I was unaware you can manually manage U21 games. Huh. I actually will probably do that myself then. Awesome, good tips.

And yeah, your method sounds exactly like my plan was.
I assume you can. You have always been able to take control of the reserve and u18/19 teams in the past, the u21 team is essentially a rebrand of the reserves, i see no reason why you can't manage them. I have not yet played FM15 so i cannot comment for sure.
I'll try when I get home from the office and let you know. ****, if I can manually manage them that's even better. Haha.
I'll try when I get home from the office and let you know. ****, if I can manually manage them that's even better. Haha.

As Jake said, always been possible till now (Dunno about this year's yet). The main grouse was that you can't manage only the U21s. You have to be the first team manager in order to do that. You can't progress through the club - managing reserves and then going on to manage the first team.
As Jake said, always been possible till now (Dunno about this year's yet). The main grouse was that you can't manage only the U21s. You have to be the first team manager in order to do that. You can't progress through the club - managing reserves and then going on to manage the first team.

That's fine. If I can manager senior team and U21 it's gravy.
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I always loan out, the way I see it a player is better playing in a competitive league rather than the u21s, only criteria I have is he's first team or key player.
Can you schedule U21 friendlies against non-U21 teams?

I know they go against some like Sunday pub teams, but hmm. Now I have an idea...
1. You can manager your own U21 still.
2. You can schedule friendlies against some Juliper league etc. type teams, which I'm now doing between regular U21 matches.
3. This lets me ensure the players I want get PT. Killer.
if i loan out a player its usually only when they are going to be playing a good standard and playing every week
how do you switch the option so you can manage the under 19 and 21