If anyone has the skin where you can see the picture of the location your club is based, does anyone know where about's the pictures are in my files? I want to change the picture to another one as the one provide looks kinda ******.
All I can find is the location on a big map, I want to find where the 'city' pictures are as shown, cheers.
If it helps I'm using the Vitrex17 2.0 skin.
Where did you install it, by default its file="pictures/logos/background/default/right" usually, might be in the logos folder if you took it from the flut pack.
in my skins folder I go to the skin I want and there is no logo folder in the pictures folder, only flags kits maps and stadiums. None of the have any real pictures or anything I'm looking for.
Something else I was wanting to do was change the stadium pictures (which I have the folder for) but in it looks like this
Any help appreciated