
Jan 10, 2013
Reaction score
I'm playing with Liverpool, running a 4-2-3-1. I'm playing my lone striker as an Advanced Forward and my CAM as an Advanced Playmaker (Support). When my defense is in possession on my side of the field (trying to work out of the back), it seem that more often than not, that my CF & CAM are right on top of each other in the center circle. How to I create space between them.

Mind you, the season has just begun, and an understanding between CF & CAM might develop... however, I'm unsure of this.

What I'm looking for is for one of the to move right or left of the middle of the field. Preferably the CAM. For him to find a hole, make himself some space.

Mind you, my CAM is Gerrard... who likes to get forward. Would a CAM with "Comes Deep to Get Ball" help?

Or how do I get my lone CF to stop just setting in the middle of the pitch? How do I get him to run diagonals (creating space through the center for my CAM)? This tactic seems like it might work best with a Suarez/Gerrard combination.

Any info is much appreciated! Thanks!
Well if you want that your CAM drops deep to get ball, then that PPM is beneficial, but you can make this also by lowring his run from deep to rarely/sometimes. Make sure they both (CF & CAM) move into channels and let them both or CF only to roam from position.

Other thing is that start playing a Deep Lying Forward mannerish striker by making him run from deep rarely and then set the CAM to sometimes/often, which means the forward might drag defenders out of position while the CAM then takes advantage of it.
Well I'm assuming you've done it already, but setting his "Runs from deep" to Rarely is something to try.