Losing my MIND over this!!! Help, anyone?!


Sep 15, 2013
Reaction score
Okay, firstly, thank you for reading this post. Secondly, if you would spare a few minutes of your time to help me understand this THING that is just mind boggling, I would be very grateful!

I am playing as Dartford in the BSP and we're currently 15th - not bad, that's what we were predicted. I'm making money each month and have signed one or two decent players (who are mostly injured and decrepit) but hey - we're not in the relegation zone, so what is there to be upset about?

It's this mind boggling anomaly/problem:

80% of games played against stronger teams I WIN. These are teams with lots more money and crazy good players
100% of games played against weaker teams or on par as me I LOSE. By 0-2, mostly.

The problem? Well, firstly, I've played FM a long time and have usually found it challenging but fun and after a few seasons lost or without a win, I usually find a way to pick the team up, find a new tactic and move on. This time, it's not happening. I've tried different tactics (without changing them every match - I change them every 15 matches or so just to test this out) but I always seem to lose against the weaker team - ALWAYS.

How is this possible? That I cannot even win ONE game against a weaker team when I am beating teams stronger than me by 2 or sometimes 3 goals?! It's mental - it should be the other way round! IF it was, I wouldn't be so surprised, but this is just ridiculous.

I'm not saying I'm doing everything perfect, so in fact, what I am asking for is if anyone has had something similar and if so, tell me WHAT the **** to do to win against a weaker team. I try defending, counter, control, attacking - nothing is working.

*pulls his hair out*
Who made this? Is it proven to be successful? I guess I'm looking more for answers than tactics but I'll give it a try I guess.

Is this for all matches or just the weaker teams? Anything else that needs to go with it?

Who made this? Is it proven to be successful? I guess I'm looking more for answers than tactics but I'll give it a try I guess.

Is this for all matches or just the weaker teams? Anything else that needs to go with it?


It's Mr Langvatn's 4-1-4-1 rock classic , use defensive positioning for match preparation.
Try using aggressive team talks b4 every match ! I always used to use calm or passionate ! But using aggressive B4 and assertive at half-time has changed everything for me ! You probably win against the bigger teams because your players are already motivated while against the lesser opponents your players couldn't give a **** hence the agressive team talk to motivate them !
Glad to see I'm not the only person with this problem.

I guess what annoys me is that it doesn't seem "natural" it just seems like a pre determined calculation. I kept the same tactic three times to check and lost 2-0 each time to a weaker team... bizzare and annoying!

If anyone has any more advice? that tactic you sent helped me draw two 0-0 and lose one...
give the rock tac some time you will end up loving it its 1 of the best tac i have ever tryed
Do I need to use any specific shouts? Do I use it even against stronger teams? what sort of players do I need - fast strikers etc?
Im literally going throu tbat phase now I have 3 tactics set and im still learning even now how to get result. Il post tomorrow so help screen etc I
Well I'm playing in the BSP so I'm not too surprised to play unatractive football with poor players and get a few losses. But I still don't understand *why* I cannot beat lower league teams so easily. Maybe I just need good players

to add insult to injury, here's a funny story: I was predicted 14th and came 14th, I'm quite happy because I spent almost no money and got our finances from 100k to 300k. So what does the board do? Spend 300k on 2000 new seats In the stadium. Now, starting a new season we have 1k in the bank.

It seems like the tactic is not the problem though. Don't get me wrong the rock is a great tactic but there are too many instances where players still think that the only solution to their problem is downloading some premade tactic. FM 2013 is equally much about managing your actual team as well.

How are the mental attributes of your players? Are they overconfident during warm-ups? Do they have low concentration values so they don't stay focused against lower placed teams. Determination can be a factor etc etc.

Your answer may lie in those attributes. Best recommendation I can give you is to read Raikan's teamtalk post and see if you can hold a teammeeting when you feel they are about to screw up again :)
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After the game it said the penalty and red card were harsh, so i complained to the FA and they kept quiet, so basically the game ****** me over yet again.

Did the game ever **** the opposition over in your winning runs before that? Remember that the match engine doesn't differentiate between the user and the AI.
It seems like the tactic is not the problem though. Don't get me wrong the rock is a great tactic but there are too many instances where players still think that the only solution to their problem is downloading some premade tactic. FM 2013 is equally much about managing your actual team as well.

How are the mental attributes of your players? Are they overconfident during warm-ups? Do they have low concentration values so they don't stay focused against lower placed teams. Determination can be a factor etc etc.

Your answer may lie in those attributes. Best recommendation I can give you is to read Raikan's teamtalk post and see if you can hold a teammeeting when you feel they are about to screw up again :)

I totally agree - which is why ok my earlier points I asked not for a new tactic as I like creating my own - but rather just some advice. I'll take a look at the stats again even though I have spent hours doing this. I think personally that it might be my attack. I don't seem to score goals when I have chances and the oppositions do. I need a better striker but I still need to get my head around how to create goals. Thanks for the post
I totally agree - which is why ok my earlier points I asked not for a new tactic as I like creating my own - but rather just some advice. I'll take a look at the stats again even though I have spent hours doing this. I think personally that it might be my attack. I don't seem to score goals when I have chances and the oppositions do. I need a better striker but I still need to get my head around how to create goals. Thanks for the post

I did not mean you personally when I said that changing a tactic is too often seen as a solution. It's just a shame if people like yourself would like help with their own tactic that they get forcefed someone elses.

Is it possible for you to upload some screenshots. I have only seen some match stats that show the issue. If we are going to find the solution we need some information, like the formation and the roles and perhaps of the striker himself as you think that's where the problem lies.

Weaker teams tend do defend much more against teams like yourself so it could be that he juist doesn't get the ball or that you are attacking so heavily that you run into counters(not saying that is the case but it might be worth taking a look at)
I don't know your tactic's but as your in the lower leagues with players not of the highest quality, could it be the roles the players are to play are too specialized and not generic enough?