Making a Football Management Sim in our spare time...

May 4, 2011
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Hi All,

UPDATE - 25 September 2011 -----------------------------

Just an update on how we are getting on...some vids of how its looking....check out our Blog/Twitter/Facebook to see whats happening.


A few of us have got together and are making a management sim in our spare time. It is a hobby project so don't go burning your copy of FM just yet :).

Our main aims are to...

- see if we can actually get it finished!!
- learn what SI go through in trying to make one( we are blogging about every step )
- implement some cool features that maybe SI can't put into their game.( match-day blimp )
- leave out certain features that we are not keen on.
- Make a better game than Premier Manager!

We just released an early alpha.
Any feedback and ideas are welcome!

website: afootballlife
youtube: afootballlifeOnUtube
twitter: twitter/afootballlife

some videos...


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Well, good luck with it! It'll take a good deal of time, hope you can make a success of it.
@samloveit - cool, thanks, will let you know when we go beta

@GodCubed - thanks, we will enjoy the journey getting there, what a hobby to have!.
I'll definitley follow this on twitter, so keep it updated!
Very interesting! How did you make? I'll like to know the programs you used. :)
@Tezz - thanks, will do.

@Fish Hunter - C++ is the language and Irrlicht the engine we use. Other than that its designing all the different things that will be in the game using pen and paper.
Good luck with this, hobby of mine as well, I will be following :)
I cant actually do the coding, my hobby is studying how to do it at the moment.
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Just seen your Facebook page, dident know the alpha is out. put it on the thread so people can give you feedback im downloading now
Edit: i see you said it in your OP sorry :).
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will definitely follow the progress of this and help with ideas if i come up with some
will definately gives this a go if u need a beta tester i will help too if you want
Just an update on how we are getting on...some vids of how its looking....check out our Blog/Twitter/Facebook to see whats happening.
