*** Man Advice


Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
How reliable is the *** man advice about player potential?

When the *** man is saying you should offload a player in then near future is that something you should be doing? Can the *** man be significantly wrong about player potential?
His accuracy all depends on his judging player ability and judging player potential.
Unless his judging potential is above 16/17...
BUT also bear in mind he sees the players train day in, day out, and is in charge of all the reserve and U18's games. So is more likely to be right than a scout is.
Remeber you can use the drop down menu to get opinions from other coaches.

I tend to get an *** man with at least 18 for juding pot and 12 for ability
Only attributes worth relying on for the *** Man are Player Ability, tactical knowledge and Man Management with stats around the 16/17 mark., everything else is a bonus.
I wouldnt rely on an *** Man for pontential stars, thats what the scouts are for. I would on the other hand rely on him for advising me on my current squad.
Why not rely on the *** man if they have a high ability for potential?

I tend to have ym *** man scout indivual players i like the look of and have my scouts out in differnt countries