
Apr 23, 2011
Reaction score
ive just entered me 2nd season after winning the treble, now ive got £60+ mil to spend and no idea where to strengthen in my squad, as i never bought in the 1st season, any ideas whould be great cheers
Midfield.....just like real life...I bought Hamsik and Fellaini. Both have been good for me. First Priority for me was a creative midfielder.

If not hamsik, then look at someone like ganso, varratti, modic etc...
I sold off Nani in my second season to Chelsea for 42 mil... not that you need the money.

You don't need to spend all the money. You can put the transfer money back into the wage budget to collect interest. Lord knows Man U's finances aren't sparkling.
Sorry guys a bit off topic here but am feelin just a lil sad at the moment! Well...i came across darron gibson after utd released him, tried to sign him but he obviously wuldnt come to my brentford team (2nd season fighting for championship title). So i've now won championship and in start of june 2013. Looked up gibson again but now he's not there in the search :( can't even click his name when u search thru utds transfer out history!! His stats were pretty good and i really wanted him in my midfield. I dont recall any news on him retiring or anything only that he was called back into the ireland squad and the other time was when he rejected a contract offer from celtic. Why has this happened!?!? He was clubless for about a whole season!! Just wanted to know if he has actually retired from football at such a young age!? Also, how have you utd managers used him and how well did he play for you? Thanks guys.
Also, how have you utd managers used him and how well did he play for you? Thanks guys.

I've only ever used him sparingly (basically to put him in shop window) and he's always performed pretty averagely for me. Scored some pretty nice long shots against weak opposition (league cup) and apart from that he has little to his physical, attacking, or defensive sides of his game.

Not a Manchester United quality player....and even in my Leicester game he isn't good enough for my first team lol!
I've only ever used him sparingly (basically to put him in shop window) and he's always performed pretty averagely for me. Scored some pretty nice long shots against weak opposition (league cup) and apart from that he has little to his physical, attacking, or defensive sides of his game.

Not a Manchester United quality player....and even in my Leicester game he isn't good enough for my first team lol!

Thanks for your reply! From what i can remember he did have some decent stats for lower/mid table prem teams! Shame he's dissappeared now tho! I have seen some young clubless players retire from the game but their stats were **** lol just weird it happened (i think) to gibson too!!
I signed Diego Perotti for about 36million & Eden Hazard at 35.5 million. Offloaded Anderson @ 33.5 million to Inter in the summer & Evra to Barca at $59 million.
I signed Diego Perotti for about 36million & Eden Hazard at 35.5 million. Offloaded Anderson @ 33.5 million to Inter in the summer & Evra to Barca at $59 million.