
Nov 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hey. Rocking it with manu, but I am looking to buy a few established players. I've got lots of exciting regens who are forming up nicely but now I want to focus on someone who can rock the boat from day one. So here is my team, with notions on which positions I want to reinforce.

LB: Using Bocchetti who is solid, but I'd like someone younger with a bit more pace. Evra is my backup for this LB, in the season to come. Tips?

CB: Using Phil Jones (he's a monster by now, once Vidic retires im considering him for captain)/Kyrigiakos Papawhatever, with Vidic as a solid rotation alternative (he ages gracefully!)

RB: Darijo Srna, but he is getting old, as a rotation alternative im using Smalling, but I haven't played him that much, and he's been injured alot so he's not an option as a first choice for the future. So, an great RB preferably around the age 20-25. Tips?

LM/LW: Using Young, with Cleverly as a backup. I want Gotze, but mother of **** he's expensive. I dont have 70-80 mil to spend. I need someone world-class! tips?

CM/AMC: Using Fletcher/Fellaini/Hamsik/Cleverley depending on what tactic im using.

RM/RW: Valencia, with Cleverley as an alternative. I'd give my unborn children to get Alexis Sanchez, but thats out of the question. I'd consider Hulk, but he's too expensive, in addition to being old. tips?

SP: Rooney/Hernandez (after two decent seasons he's really blossomed 26 goals in 25 PM games last season), and then Leandro (from Chivas), all three strikes performing beyond expectations.

So, LB, RB, LW, RW. I have about 50 mil to spend. I'd be willing to put down most of my budget on one quality player if needed, as I dont *have* to reinforce any of my team position this season. In advance, thanks for the tips!

What have u done with Rafael he turns into an amazing right back after about 3 yrs and you have allready played 5 so he should be good! As a left winger i would sign barnetta for about 8 million !! left back coentrao from real madrid!! right winger Nani unless you have sold him!!
Your team sounds weaker than the first day Man U team, Where are Fabio, Rafael and Nani??
I got the Brazil job 3 years into my game and have worked with Rafael and Fabio, Rafael is immense after 3 years and Fabio develops really well.
These full backs are young so they develop differently in everyones game - Lucas Digne(LB) Vrsaljko(RB) Romario(RB)
Muniain is very good on the left playing as an inside forward but I dont know how you set up. He is a top striker too.
Piatti, Willian, Douglas Costa are AMC's who are top class on the wings
Neymar at Santos can play off the left but would take up alL your budget maybe.
RB - sebastian corchia very very good performing
Thank-you for the replies. You all list noted names but that doesnt matter. I am considering Vrsaljko, as he looks like a quality player. In retrospect I wish I had bought him earlier, as he could've been developed better. Digne looks good and is only 20, so I will be checking him out to. Muniain is an obvious choice but he isn't natural on the left wing, how much does this matter?

I simply dont consider Fabio, Rafeal and Nani as great talents. Rafael can be developed into worldclass I understand but I simply dont see the potential. So I unloaded them all off for a good bit of cash. Same with Nani. Good, but not worldclass imo.