
Nov 13, 2018
Reaction score
Hi all,

First time I've posted on here and will kick off (pun intended) with a super noob question... since I can't find this is info anywhere online and the last FM I played was 09-10 where this definitely didn't happen... but one of my manager attributes is over 20. Is this now a thing? If so, what's the highest an attribute can go?

Thanks in advance!
If you are Mourinho, Ego is around 55!

Never heard of this happening to be honest. Which attribute is it?
55, is that it?! Number shouldn't fit the screen! :p

My "Level of Discipline" attribute is 21, and not entirely sure when it happened. Perhaps my training regime resembles a concentration camp... :D
So does anyone have an answer for this? I'm kinda still none the wiser here :D
Sounds like it could be a bug - do u have the editor? You might be able to investigate further with that.
I have attached a screenshot here. I don't have the FM Editor, but I'll look into this shortly once I have a spare moment.

Very surprised nobody here has seen this before, was expecting there would be some insanely simple answer that the manager attributes had changed or something! XD