Manager 'On Holiday'


Jan 22, 2011
Reaction score
Do people find that their team does better if you go on holiday?

I just got fed up of the team losing or drawing every game (11 straight with a conference team, fictional players, had to avoid relegation) so I decided to run the season 'on holiday' telling the assistant to use the same tactics and team selection. When I came back 21 games later we had only lost 1 game and had moved from 23rd to 7th.

I took control again and next game, draw, loss, loss, loss, draw, toys out of pram.

Why does the team do better when the GM is on holiday?

BTW - do people also find that keystrokes do not register well on these forums???
The AM starts with your tactics, but does make role changes and even bigger changes during a game.
Why does the team do better when the GM is on holiday?

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this, but it sounds like you're just not a very good manager.

P.S.: I've experienced something similar myself... ;)
And it what way am I not a good manager ? That's the point isn't it. What does the AM do that I am not because there is nothing obvious.
And it what way am I not a good manager ? That's the point isn't it. What does the AM do that I am not because there is nothing obvious.
It could be anything? Better role choices in-match? Better duty choices? Attacking when needed and parking the bus when necessary? It's pretty obvious in the results and you can watch a match back to see what's different.