Just wanted to drop a line to say many thanks to the peeps I've come across on this site for making me feel welcome. I haven't really been on that long, but I love coming on here. You get some real intelligent debate, not only about footie, but also on other banter. Great thing is also I don't get the pretty vile (and often sick) abuse that I get in real life just because of the team I support. On here you get pretty much top notch people who just want to share the main passion in life - footie.
This is a great site - so keep up the great work on it and hopefully I'll be able to make a contribution toward it (once the fiscal problems that is xmas is sorted lol).
This is a great site - so keep up the great work on it and hopefully I'll be able to make a contribution toward it (once the fiscal problems that is xmas is sorted lol).