Massive Action Game (M.A.G)


Dec 7, 2008
Reaction score
Any PS3 players planning on getting this? Anyone even looked into it?
i looked. sounds pretty sweet. still dont fully understand though. certain players are like warlords directing the battle and others are just grunts on the ground doing the dirty work...?
Basically, you play as a regular soldier to begin with, with 3 default load-outs (classes) of SMG, Sniper, LMG style play. Now I don't know much about the game yet, I only gave it a go today, but at some point you become high enough to put your name forward for the role of squad leader. Then as you progress, you can put your name forward for army commander (in charge of all squad leaders).

The idea behind squads, is that each one works towards a particular objective, and this creates an obvious flaw... in the sense that if the players don't know each other, then chances are they will run off and do their own thing, Call of Duty style. However, if you play with friends, or people who are willing to listen to advice / commands, this system can work really well.

Now M.A.G works on a much larger scale than games like CoD / Battlefield, in the sense that you can play with up to 256 players on the map at once, and believe it or not, this is actually lag free, or so I am led to believe. I played a game of 32 v 32 v 32, so 96 total earlier, and it ran smoothly, but it was total chaos as nobody was listening to orders, lol.

You can create custom classes, and you can unlock new gear and weaponry by leveling up, like with CoD, but each class has a specific cost 'limit', where you can't have the best of everything in one class, as for example, you have a limit of 3000 points.

Sniper Rifle: 1200 points
Sidearm: 300 points
RPG: 800 points
Body Armour: 1000 points
= 3200 points, which is over the limit.

So you have to compromise somewhere in order to be under the limit. This helps to avoid 'overpowered' class combinations that can be found on many other games. There is also a system where each time you rank up, you gain a skill point to be spent in any area you wish to improve. The two available sniper upgrades for level 1, for example, allow for faster-reload time, or a better scope.

That's all I can remember to post right now, but I really enjoyed playing it earlier. I'm going to be playing with a full squad of people I know soon, so that will hopefully increase the enjoyment tenfold.
boom sounds sexual. i can imagine it being chaos if n00bs get hold of it and try and play it like COD
Any PS3 players planning on getting this? Anyone even looked into it?

I'm thinking about getting it also, tho im waiting for a friend to get it first to see if its anyone good before i buy it. The reviews on it are pretty **** good to be honest and from what ive heard it does sound really good something different much more team effort which is nice instead of mw2 where you run around for your own good.

If its lag free then that would be awesome is it true that it takes like two hours to get to the other side of the map? Please tell me thats a over axaggeration.
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Zipper Interactive have made some good games in the past so I'm not surprised the reviews have been positive. Socom I & II are still two of my favourite games and I would rather play those any day than Call of Duty.

I've been following this game since it was first announced, purely too see if they managed to pull it off successfully and create a decent lag free game. As far as I know this is also Zipper's first PS3 game too so what they have done is pretty impressive.

I was invited to the early beta tests for this game last year but just never got around to playing it. Not really much chance of me buying it either, I just can't play shooters on consoles any more. I'm too used to the luxury of having a decent mouse and keyboard on my PC.
so is it an online game only like warhawk or can you do a single player also 265 players online at the same time would just be ******* great, just get pumped up with slayer & Iron maiden playing in the background then start sniper heads off :D
so is it an online game only like warhawk or can you do a single player also 265 players online at the same time would just be ******* great, just get pumped up with slayer & Iron maiden playing in the background then start sniper heads off :D

Yes its online only like warhawk, its quite expensive tho:S But for 200+ players in one game will make up for that i guess.
My mate says it is good but hard at the same time sounds like a good idea and concept but then agan as said above if peple get the game game to play COD style you will get know where as it seems based on the fact you have to listen to orders and so on
I'm thinking about getting it also, tho im waiting for a friend to get it first to see if its anyone good before i buy it. The reviews on it are pretty **** good to be honest and from what ive heard it does sound really good something different much more team effort which is nice instead of mw2 where you run around for your own good.

If its lag free then that would be awesome is it true that it takes like two hours to get to the other side of the map? Please tell me thats a over axaggeration.

The maps are bigger than CoD maps (obviously), but that is a true exaggeration of the highest calibre. 2 hours? Who told you that? :p
The maps are bigger than CoD maps (obviously), but that is a true exaggeration of the highest calibre. 2 hours? Who told you that? :p

A Idiotic friend of mine who thinks hes always right...But its my fault for believing him in the first place!:mad:
I played the Beta to this and was never impressed with the gameplay. The ideas are good, they just don't seem well executed IMO. Maybe I will have my mind changed when I play the finished product.
sounds like a really cool game for playing with ur friends, solo might be a problem with not many ppl willing to cooperate tho, but gr8 idea
I played the Beta to this and was never impressed with the gameplay. The ideas are good, they just don't seem well executed IMO. Maybe I will have my mind changed when I play the finished product.

When you planning to play the finished product?
I'll bring the game home on Friday night anyway. Don't think I'll be bringing the other PS3 back though, seems a waste of energy for just a weekend.
I'll bring the game home on Friday night anyway. Don't think I'll be bringing the other PS3 back though, seems a waste of energy for just a weekend.

It isn't that heavy...

Nah I'm fine with it as long as it's understood that you won't be able to sit on my PS3 for as long as you'd like.
It isn't that heavy...

Nah I'm fine with it as long as it's understood that you won't be able to sit on my PS3 for as long as you'd like.

Don't be a ******** please.