Jan 17, 2010
Reaction score
I've noticed that this years FM is almost cruel in how it relentlessly
punishes you for any tactical oversights, but it dose so in a fair way.

What do I mean by fair?
Well, this ME gestures at you, telling you that you have a weakness. It's up to you
to notice said weakness. You can spot these weaknesses by paying attention to where the
opposition chooses to attacks you! One such instance for me was an attacking Full Back with
poor positioning (4) while playing in the N.Irish league (A guilty pleasure of mine)

I played him in the FB role but as an Attacking FB since I needed the width
going forward. He had decent tackling, marking and pace so I felt these would
compensate for his lack of positional sense... it didn't. After 15 minutes, their
first chance came from attacking down his channel with a diagonal ball over the
top. It was a great move, the ball landed in space before my FB could position himself
between the box and the winger and the subsequent cross caught my goalkeeper
and CBs flat footed.

I was 1-0 down with very little of the game played. Now I was too busy moaning
at my computer screen to actually do anything about the issue that caused the goal;
but hindsight is 20/20. It wasn't until just before half time when I thought to
myself, "My Full back is not defending the right hand channel very well..." and almost as
if on que, the opposition launched another ball down the right-hand channel: Cross - goal.

I quickly moved him back into a FB(defend) role and he sat closer to the CBs and
didn't allow a single ball to catch him out for the rest of the match...

Was this harsh? Yes, it was a game I could have gotten points from.
Was this fair: Yes, It was my tactical decision that caused this.

The Key point here is that I gave them the space by favoring an offensive mentality
with player who was not defensively sound enough to be ready for possession to be
turned over in their favor. By opting to play him as a FB(a) with poor positional attributes;
i essentially asked him to play as a wide midfielder since he dose not have the positional
ability to be in a defensive position and still be effective offensively. I was asking far too
much of htis player and my tactical oversight and lack of identifying his problem cost me a goal.

Another example of how it was fair: They scored! If I was paying attention to the match,
with a keen eye and an objective mind, it should have been obvious that this RB could
drop deeper and prevent another goal of this type.

Fool me once. Shame on you.
Fool me twice. Shame on me!

Instead I was too late in realizing this and by the time I'd told him to move back, they'd
exploited this weakness again. It's fair because it was my inaction that allowed them
the space to attacking into.

I learned two things here.

1. The opposition are going to look for any weakness and try to use it against you.
You should be doing this too. If you spot an opposition player playing in an
advanced role,check his attributes? Are they brave? Whats their determination
stat? Do they have good composure. Use the player against them!

2. By reacting to the informational available, I fixed the issue and now I've learned
not to employ this player in a similar role again; but had I spotted this earlier, I may have
prevented that second goal going in and maybe given myself a platform to rescue a
point from this game.

You cannot control the opposition, but you can control your players. It's our job as Managers to
stop them by using our players. Defense and Offense are equally important A player is not
going to defend simply because it's common sense; you need to put them in a position with a
role that dose not compromise on their ability to preform the task. Because if you do,
and the opposition notices... They will be ruthless in exploiting this gaping hole you've
left in the tactical formation.
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Well said! I also noticed in this year's game, my own player react very quickly upon my tactical tweaks during a match. I have had some very proud comebacks because of my last 10 minutes tactical changes, so well done SI. Except for some awkward UI changes, I'm loving FM15 so far.
Nicely said! I hope everyone who whines about this game, reads this and learns something.
Nice point there. This version actually makes us to focus more on the important things than just plug and play tactics. Similar example, I love playing CWB in my tactic, and unfortunately, I had to make do with Blind over there, since my other players were injured. I was facing a weak team, and thought - what the ****. Opposition exploits the lack of pace, dispossess my midfielder, and since Blind is a CWB role, he is ahead and can't get back as quick. Winger moves into the channel, crosses and scores >.<

Safe to say, pushed Blind to a more defensive role from then on.

I like the match engine more this time, actually, gives you greater satisfaction of watching those tactics and tweaks work. FM14, the changes you made were subtle, and opposition didn't exploit your less obvious weaknesses as much. I don't like the 3-D view, seems buggy to me (not the gameplay, just the 3-d view)

But yeah, overall, I really like the game. ****, I even got no injuries during pre-season after getting the players to train on fitness (except the ones that were present from start of game and minor injuries).