
Sep 6, 2009
Reaction score
Please feel free to move this thread if it is in the wrong place!

Anyway, i understand that as manager of a top 4 side your mentality is generally going to attack, but i was wondering if anyone has any advice on what mentality to use on other teams who are not expected to win every week?
Is it a case of changing it up depending on the opposition?

Also, could anyone tell me what i need to look at when deciding my mentality?

Any help appreciated

well rule of thumb:


20-17: Contain
16-14: Defend
13-10: Counter/Standard
9-7: Standard/Counter
6-4: Counter/Attack/Control
3-1: what ever suits your tactic :)

these are my rule of thumb :) each tactic, each formation uses different mentalties and will result in different resuslts :)

if you play slow and short then a contain/defend/control tactic is going to work well with an overloaded Central midfield and a Dm or 2

if you play wide and quick then you will play out wide and set to counter/attack to get your wingers into the games

there are so many permutations to tactics, you have to find the right one for your players and your team :)

who are you managing?
You could do it with Fluid- Control at the start then little bit after the game starts like 20 mins put it to Counter or Attacking when i do play as a top 4-6 when playing the smaller teams to not get caught out of position to often so they can counter on my side.
I was managing Leeds, who were struggling near foot of championship.
I have started a new save now with Manchester United.
The query was for future reference because sometimes i get bored and go in search of a challenge like making Sheffield Wednesday great again or something!