
Mar 17, 2011
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Hi is it possible to add the whitecaps, the cosmos and montreal impact to the existing league structure? has someone done it yet?
Yes i think you can somewhere in the editor, forgot how
ye but exceeds the ammount of teams allowed, if someone cud make this database or give me a full proof guide to make it the current mls just with these teams it wud be gr8
What to do is edit nation rules, put max and min teams upto 20, then on the database add the new teams :)
so create 'new comp and rules then' but prob is man when i do that yeah the max i can offer(or any other team in mls) can offer a player is 4200 and theres no option 4 designated player contracts or nothin
I would say that could be easily done. But just go throw threads on here and the Q&A on here aswell it will help you, believe me, I'm in the middle of a huge scottish edit
if you create the teams and put them in the mls and choose the add existing leagues to a current structure or whatever that option is called and save it as a .xml then it might be possible if you look through the xml in notepad to run a 20 team league under the current mls rules but you'd need to know what you are looking for when going through the file in notepad as otherwise it won't work.
yeah ah darn it its so complicated haha. if anyone is interested and wants to create this be my guest :) coz its gonna increase to 20 in like 2013 and the cosmos would be so fun to manage because their rep should be over 7000 and loads of money