Modern Tactics vs. Classic Tactics

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kyanite
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Feb 10, 2011
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Modern Tactics vs. Classic Tactics

Does anybody prefer one over the other? If so, what's your reasoning? Have you compared both?

Personally, I've found the Modern Tactic engine a waste of time on FM13.
I had never used classic tactics as to the naked eye they looked much more complicated.
However ever since I tried them, I cannot go back to the new Modern Tactic Engine.
I have managed to win 9 Premier Leagues with Blackburn Rovers, 2 Champions Leagues and much more using my Classic Tactics where believe it or not, players actually follow instructions, where players actually do the sensical thing with the ball instead of standing still for 10 seconds then passing to the opposing team.
If I tell my player to man mark someone, they will do and do it to their best of ability.
I have found this years Modern Tactic engine to be an absolute waste of time. Players don't follow my instructions, they act stupid and give the ball away ridiculously. But what I find is that my Modern Tactics work - statistically. But I end up losing games due to pure idiocy like hitting the woodwork 3 times in one game or missing 4 one on one opportunities in one game.

I have seen a few other people on here mention that they prefer the TC engine because it seems to work 'better' this year. Has anybody found the opposite perhaps? Does anybody agree? What is the solution going to be once they remove the TC engine from the game?
If you set up two tactics, on in the TC and one classic tactic, they will be read 100% identically by the match engine.
Like Crane wrote, there is no difference what so ever between the 2 options regarding the Match Engine. Everything that goes on under the hood is exactly the same and the Match Engine calculating the events on the field does not know if its Classic or Modern. Everything setting you can chose in the TC you can do in classic and vice versa. You can even use the " Shouts" in Classic by tweaking all the sliders yourself( will take a **** of a long time though )

there is just one Engine, not two.
Edit: there is one thing that is different and its that in the TCreator, the Target man and Playmaker is assigned to a position, not a person but in Classic it's a person, the one you chose by putting his name in the drop list.

This means that if having players swapping positions ( let's say between your Target man and Adv FC), the player in the role and positikn of the target man will be the target man whilst in Classic, the Target man will always be the same person, sometimes with the instructions of a Target man and sometimes as the one of the Adv FC. Also if you sub the TM of PLM in the TCreator, the player brought in will be the new target man/PLM but in Classic, you won't have one unless the new player is brought into the list
Thing is, that's what I'd like to believe and I'm not saying you guys are lying, but even when someone tried to convert my Trooper & Il Devasto's to become modern tactics (despite being identical numerically) the results were blatantly different...

Do Modern tactic slides for example have to be +2 or -2 to have things identical?
I'm just going off what I've seen in action.
Well, upload those 2 versions and we will have a look at them to see if they are actually identical.
We won't be having these discussions soon, as sliders aren't going to be in FM14.
Actually there is some difference. You can try something very easy :
- load a TC tactic and let it there for a few weeks
- convert it to classic
- check the tactic familiarity

You'll notice that your familiarity will drop a little bit when you convert to classic tactic. Maybe it's just classical conversion that's a little bit bugged ?
Actually there is some difference. You can try something very easy :
- load a TC tactic and let it there for a few weeks
- convert it to classic
- check the tactic familiarity

You'll notice that your familiarity will drop a little bit when you convert to classic tactic. Maybe it's just classical conversion that's a little bit bugged ?

Yes, that's because of 2 reasons.
- The tactic does not convert into the exact same settings
- The team sliders gets set, settings that simply dont exist in the TC as such, and the tactic familiarity takes these Into account in a way that is flawed. Once the team knows the tactic equally well, there will be no difference though.
The important thing is to know if match engine works the same if you convert a TC tactic to classical. But imo differences are quite minimal
how do work that out i can concur when i use modern tactics my results are poor when i use classic tactics my results are good, u do the maths
Maybe that's because with modern tactics there needs to be a degree of input and manipulation via shouts.
With my own custom shouts and one mouse click I can take my wide attacking strategy and covert it to a deep sitting narrow defensive strategy.
Classic tactics are very good but it can take days to perfect slider placement to give a good overall performance.
When things are not going well using classic altering any part means opening the bonnet and tinkering with the engine so to speak and that can take time.
For example if you don't overlap your your fullbacks and wingers and need to you'll have to make alterations on four players individual sliders, with modern I need only use one shout 'overlap'

Modern Vs classic is entirely subjective and down to personal preference.
Personally I prefer micro management over plug & play.
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I have never looked back personally since the change of the tactics layout to FM back in FM10, I much prefer it to the sliders. However I think sometimes creating a winning classic tactic is a more skilled process.