Modern Warfare 2 Map Packs

Average Joe

May 25, 2009
Reaction score
Any idea when the map packs will be released (on 360 for me)

Will you be getting them when they are?
Spring is when they come, no idea what date.
Apparently they are out for 10 days on Xbox before they are released on PS3
How much you reckon theyre going to cost? 800 ms points?

Hopefully theres a decent amount in there, and also another map the size of Rust, great fun in a private match with a load of mates
How much you reckon theyre going to cost? 800 ms points?

Hopefully theres a decent amount in there, and also another map the size of Rust, great fun in a private match with a load of mates

Apparently they're bringing back shipment, crash and vacant i think. and also new maps
I think there may be 2 map packs im not sure
Yeah they'll release another one later on. Shipment would be funny :p
Yeah Shipment is coming back I've heard, will be immense.
Is shipment the small map with the containers in the middle? Also, how do you get onto the Xbox Live score onto the league table?
yer ;) the small one were you can frag people from any corner ;)
OHHHHHHH, Shipment AND Rust :D, plenty of killing goin on there then
Shipment used to be funny, lobbing random grenades everywhere!

I hope they actually make some new maps, re-using COD4 maps and paying to play them again seems a bit lazy, if theyre half the price of a new map pack it wouldnt be so bad