First update will be soon
Bigtukker at this rate it won't i'm trying to get this english 14 leagues database to work. It won't.
I'm gonna start unemployed. I will explain everything in the first update.
15th June 2011

Coaching Badges Complete


1st July 2011 - 10am

Finally moved into my studio apartment today. I was never really good at football, i've always wanted to be involved. I thought about coaching the youth. But I wanted to be a buisness man. So one of my dumbest friends I have ever knew came up with the idea of been a Football Manager. I asked him why and he said "Cause like its just like you manage money and stay in football and get **** hot wage." That phrase has got me onto my way of a career path. My studio apartment is nice but its a brand new one so the walls are small and it will be freezing in the winter. Just setting up my xbox and ps3. I have just sent my mum the song Tinchy Stryder - Spaceship. She has always thought it was a bad decision to become a manager and get my coaching badges. She never liked me hanging around with my friend Finley. And she thinks its his fault I want to become a football manager.

1st July - 4pm

I have finally applied for my first job as a Manager of a Football Club. I have also applied for another 6. It is all confidential but I rang my Dad. He loves Football. We are both big Sheffield Wednesday fans. We have had season tickets for 15 years then we stopped. During that 15 years we followed them home and away. Portugal on the pre-season tours. You name it we've done it. Me and my Dad are very close. I told him on the phone I would leave the best club ever to become manager of Sheffield Wednesday. I would if i'm honest. I just hope one of the clubs accepts. I am really confident that one of the clubs will. Hereford.

9th July 2011 - Noon

I have just woke up from a really bad hangover and headache, and I'm hoping today that one of the teams will ring me up about the job. I would love it if they rang up when I was at my Mum & Dad's. I go around every saturday night and stop over. I have never really not been there on any saturday nights really. We have a take-away. First week of the month it's Chinese, second week is Fish and Chips, third week is Kebab and the forth week my mum cooks. Tonight is fish and chips. I like Chinese the most. My room still has Sheffield Wednesday wallpaper. Everything is still there.

9th July 2011 - 6:45pm

Still waiting hoping something will come through. My mum goes for the fish and chips. Soon as she leaves the door my Dad looks at me, I pull out my MacBook, login to my work e-mail. Nothing in my inbox. My Dad says "Hereford will come. That Graham Turner's time was over back in '97. Worst bit is he stayed all that time and then just last year went and buggered off back to Shrewsbury." Then we just went onto general chat about Michael Morrison signing for Wednesday. I think my Dad is more excited about it than me.

9th July 2011 - 7:30pm

General chat around the dinner table. My mum was saying how she bumped into one of my College friends. Maisie I always liked her, my Mum said she had written something on a bit of paper for me, my Mum pulled it out of her inside pocket, it was all folded up. I left it folded. I thought I will wait till I get home tomorrow. We went into the living room to watch Take Me Out. My mum also mentioned something about someone asking her if I was her son. She said she asked why and he said could he have my phone number... So like an idiot she gave it to him.
13th July 2011 - 4pm

I remember about the card Maisie gave me I got it and opened it.... It read......................... Then I figuered she had put the number on the back.

I called...... answering machine, left a voice message saying that she can call me back if she would like. I checked my e-mails. NOTHING. I'm only now hoping on the Hereford job, I doubt i will get the Senegal job.

16th July 2011 - 10am

No phone calls from anyone, not Maisie or the strange guy. I turn on SkySportsNews, all of a sudden I make my coffee, and BOOM! Scrolling along the bottom of the screen.

Kevin Dillon appointed as Manager of Hereford United. I load up my MacBook, start ringing my Dad, typing into my address bar.

My Mum answers "Hello?" "Mum stick Dad on" "Ok" "Hiya son got you a ticket to the match tonight" " ok Dad thanks, Kevin Dillon? Know the name ring any bells?" " Played for Reading and re-signed from Aldershot as manager other week why?" "He's took Hereford job...." "Thats intresting, you'll just have to wait son it will all come in experience, your still young and you've got a bright future ahead of you. Your better than Hereford anyway, might aswell of signed me up!" "haha ok, I'll be round at yours later say 1?"......

That conversation went on and on, my Dad is always like that trying to cheer me up, I wasn't actually upset to be honest, I never thought I would have a good chance anyway.

16th July 2011 - 12:45pm

My phone is ringing, I'm driving to my Mum and Dad's for the match later, it's Maisie, I instanly pull over to the side of the road, "Maisie?" "Chris! How are you?" "I'm good, not as annoying now. Atleast I don't think. (Come on Chris don't do this your going to **** it up, now is the time) so how are you? we haven't spoke in a while." "I'm fine i'm actua-" "Since we haven't spoke in a while how about we meet up and go somewhere?" "....ok errmmmmm, sure w-" "Ok how about you give me your address and I come and pick you up?" "Sure, I'll text you the address. Bye Chris!, Call it 7?" "Yeah sure 7 Bye" (OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!EDWQIRBGEIHRBRGERGJFRGB)

FANTASTIC I have got myself a date with my childhood crush, straight away I went to my Mum & Dad's I didn't say anything to them about it. She text me straight after with the address saying "can't wait ***"

16th July 2011 - 4pm

The teams come out for the second half, all I could think about was 7 o'clock. I wasn't concentrating on the game at all. Even my Dad was a bit suspicious. After all the game was a pre-season friendly we changed the full first 11 for the second half. I was telling my Dad its what the taught me, for fitness levels. He knows all of this of course but still....

16th July 2011 - 5pm

Finally out of the ground and in the car, now I had 2 hours to do everything I can, smart clothes, clean car, the lot, i'm even gonna go round to the hairdressers. We reached my parent's house my Dad got out he said "Enjoy ya date, get her knickers off".............. I sped off

16th July 2011 - 7pm

I'm there bang on time, everything I said, I did my Renault Clio Sport RS is looking nice. And so am I. Out she came, in a tight dress, she was always the go for it sort of girl, the type I like, very........ SEDUCTIVE.

16th July 2011 - 10pm

We headed back to mine she was a bit drunk, but I wasn't going to take advantage. She wanted something I wanted I was willing to give it her. So much for I want doesn't get, but come on are you going to turn this down?
Put it this way. That dress was off.

17th July - 1am

WOW!!! zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

17th July - 1pm

"I'm great aren't I?" "****** more than great"

Maisie stayed for the rest of the day we just watched movies.

31st July - 10pm

Nothing has happened since, no job vacancies, me and Maisie are texting. My Dad has said though "As soon the season starts we will find out things about teams, and by November I should have a job." Celebrity Juice then bed.

BANG TIDY!!!!!!!!

Sorry about the lack of football and stuff, just trying to find a job, next update will be the month of august tell me how to improve.
8th August 2011 - 2pm

Just on bbc sport and I see that there are several jobs with insecure managers. There was a brazilian third division team, I could of applied for that but I want to stay in England for as long as possible, plus I know that managers will be getting sacked by November so then is my chance really.

8th August 2011 - 4pm

The Palermo manager might be getting the sack, I know for sure that I probably won't end up getting the job. But if it does become avaliable I will apply for it.

8th August 2011 - 11pm

Just read on Kick that Bruce Arena the LA Galaxy manager, his contract expires on New Years Eve, and they are very worried that he won't sign a new contract, after been their for nearly 5 years. I would apply for that, I wouldn't stand a chance, at the moment the favourite for the job is Sven-Goran Eriksson

13th August 2011 - 8am

Several MLS jobs may become avaliable for the 2012 season. Maybe that will be worth a try.

24th August 2011 - 1pm

Well now the season has started my chance will come sometime soon, I have set myself a target to have a job by the new year.

29th August 2011 - 3pm

Today the Sao Paulo gaffer got the sack, there a good team, with good players. I instantly rang the FA and told them that i'm intrested and I want them to know and asked what I should do. They got intouch with the Sao Paulo chairman and told him. Now the story is online. About 45 minutes later my Dad rang me "Chris you don't wanna go to Brazil, just wait for a little longer for a League 2 job to pop-up, there a top club, I know I've never heard of them but they have some of the best youngsters in the world, thats what I've read all over the internet." "But Dad I don't wanna wait any longer, I've been waiting for nearly 2 months and i've done nothing, that Kevin Dillon at Hereford has sat them mid-table so it looks like he's settled in, and that won't become avaliable, and theres nothing else. Anyway I probably won't get it like you said. But I want to start now and not in 3 or 4 months time."
"Listen, son. The Daggers manager has won a game there the bottom of League 2 and they have 1 point, just wait for another 2 weeks before appling for a job to see how things go" "DAD!!! Sao Paulo are a top team they have high ambitions there not gonna stay with no manager for 2 week, they'll have a new manager in the next 3 or 4 days, i've done that stunt to get myself noticed a bit. Like you said I won't get it and i'll have to wait a bit longer, i'm just fed up of waiting all this time, because everyday all I do is sit in my apartment watching football, and thinking oh, he shouldn't have played him there and why isn't he telling them to higher the tempo? That's the thing I want to be there doing that." "I understand son"...........
And that went on and on, what was I thinking?
29th September 2011 - 1:30pm

Just looking through football news and seen that the Gloucester Manager has been sacked, I go straight to the clubs website, I ring up and tell them I'd like to apply for the job as the club's manager. I thought about not telling my Dad, i'm not going to. I really do believe that this could be my chance, the chairman said he wanted fresh blood, thats what i'm willing to give him. Tonight i'm going out again with Maisie, but this time it should be more sensible, as we are only going out for a meal. Tomorrow i'm going to look for a new car as I feel I need more of a buisnessman's car now, instead of my Clio RS.

30th September 2011 - 11am

It's offical, me and Maisie are now together, she knows about my job, I know it's a little bit quick but we are thinking about living together, she came with me today to help me buy a new car, my brand new 3 Litre Jaguar XF
The football team have recieved my application, I recieved an e-mail. I hope I get it. Only Maisie knows about it.
17th October 2011 - Noon

Applied for a couple more jobs today, I should get one of them. Anyway Dougie Freedman might be getting sacked from Palace. He's on a shocking run.
21st October 2011 - 2pm

I have been offered a job by Torpedo Moscow. I instantly accepted, I am going to tell my parents and everyone else who I find important to me. I'm gonna see how it goes and if by next March everything is well Maisie is going to move to Russia aswell. I'm not gonna tell my parents until tomorrow night when i'm there. I have a lot of things to tell them actually, Me and Maisie, becoming a professional football manager, my new car which I will now have to give to Maisie because I will have to buy one in Russia. I've always been weird with Russia, because of the films and them been able to end the world in like a week. You know the soviet union and all that stuff, I've read that Moscow is nice though.

22nd October 2011 - 7pm

"Mum, Dad. I'm the manager of Torpedo Moscow." "Not CSKA then..." "haha" My Mum wasn't too fussed, I thought she'd be angry but she isn't, she looks excited and very pleased for me. "Oh WOW!!!" She said. My Dad straight away was talking about players who I should sign up. "Dad, it doesn't work like that. Its serious." "I know I know son". My mum asked me what i'm living in or have I at least got a house. I told her i'm not too sure, but I was going to e-mail them tomorrow and that they said they were going to e-mail me about an interview.

22nd October 2011 - 11pm

It actually went really well. At least my parents are giving me support although my Mum doesn't totally agree with my choice.

23rd October 2011 - Noon

I recieved an e-mail from Torpedo. They said that the interview will be ran over facetime as they did not feel the need to send me half way around the world for an interview. They said I had to be ready on the 25th October 7pm for the interview. They also said if I get the job I will have to learn Russian. That I wasn't bothered about, I never really have been bothered about learning a language. But it's going to be linked with football, so i'm not moaning.

25th October 2011 - 9pm

About 30 minutes ago the meeting ended, it went well. They said they would be intouch via e-mail in the next 6 hours, so within the next 4 hours I will find out if I really am the manager of Torpedo Moscow or not. Maisie came round to stay up with me and see if I get the job.

25th October 2011 - Midnight

Mr Briddon,

We have accepted your application. Congratulations on become manager of Torpedo Moscow, your first match in charge will take place on the 27th October 2011. We are currently aware of your relationship with your girlfriend and are willing to pay for a house for you until you are financialy stable, if your partner is struggling to find a job we will always be here to provide support for the two of you.....

Blah Blah Blah then it was all of the flight details and everything, we were flying on a British Airways flight on the 26th October 2011 - 2pm..... I had less than 48 hours for match prep and to meet the players, and to even know my way to the ground. I don't think some of them can speak English. Most can just about speak basic english. But Maisie was the one who said "don't worry. Football is a universal language". Maisie can speak basic Russian which helps anyway.

27th October 2011 - 3pm

I was instantly rushed into the staff meeting room to meet everyone. There was only two games left in the season anyway so as soon as there gone I can settle in. Everyone seemed friendly but I was still intimidated with their accents. Me & Maisie slept in a hotel, we haven't seen our house yet, Maisie is staying with me for the match. It's my debut as Manager, at home aswell against Ural who are currently 3 places above us in 10th. All I wanted to do was meet the players and see if they understood my tactic for tonight's game. The best bit about Russian Football is that the kick-off is always 7 o'clock.

27th October 2011 - 5pm

Here I was the ground, the team said need more time to adjust to my tactic, I agreed, I want it perfect for the new season, they said they could do that. I'm ready and so are the team.

Torpedo Moscow 3 - 1 Ural​

Nikita Satalkin (34)
Maxim Zinovjev (41)
Igor Chernyshov (45+2)
Predrag Sikimic (81)

MOTM: Igor Chernyshov. Brilliant header from a corner to pull us a lead of 3-0. Also solid at centre back all game.
Just read it all, nice idea. Maybe try making titles, dates and headers bold and underlined? Just have a play around to try and make it look ''prettier''. Nice idea though KIU
Just read it all, nice idea. Maybe try making titles, dates and headers bold and underlined? Just have a play around to try and make it look ''prettier''. Nice idea though KIU
Haha it's odd because I have just been reading yours actually.