Man, there is not one better than 4-1-2-1-2 - Only losers need a Wingman:
Its like who uploaded said, perform like AI cheater.
I only tested with Real Madrid, and I won almost everything (current year: 2024), my team is really class and far above others, so I dont know how it works out in others teams. But Im sure of one thing, this tactic is just perfect, dont matter how much my team is awesome, is THIS tactic that unleash it
I have tested many of others in my team, others two class tactics are: 4-1-5 Goals Glutter 2010 - Patch 10.3 and Mr Hough's Wonder Tactic.
If I have to choose are those three tactics.
Theres some tactics you even get bored to test, dont work out and you read "let a time until gel" or "long term benefits". Why would I bet? If it dont work out in one or two games just doenst. With these three tactics I just have to plug and play and get real time benefits, dont matter the oponent, if its a home or away game, is just wonderful and perfect. Nevermore see your team struggle against anyone