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Feb 18, 2010
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I'm looking to sign one of these two as competition to Yaya toure in my Barca team. Which should I buy???
Ive heard from people's experience Moussa Sissoko but from attribute's i'd say Mohamed XD
Mohammed was brilliant for me in my Juventus save. I think you can get him for around £15mil. Moussa for around £12mil in first season.
Moussa Sissoko is immense, turns into a wonderkid at 20 and just keeps gettin better...are you buying for a DM or a CM position? Moussa for CM, Mohamed for DM.
definatley Moussa if you can get him to reach half his potental hes much better than Mohamed
Mohammed for a player to begin with, but for the future, Moussa wins every time.
If you want someone better defensively, go for Momo, for a more of a deep lying playmaker Moussa all the way
Moussa Sissoko - when he reaches his full potential, IMO becomes the best all-round midfielder in the game.
funny, i used fmrte to check the potential ability, maybe its just my save but

Moussa Sissoko CA 79.5 PA 82.5
Mohamed Sissoko CA 81.5 PA 87.5

Big difference. But from the stats, Mohamed looks like nothing more or less than a brilliant defensive midfielder/ anchor man.

Moussa looks more like to be a central playmaker, who can be trained defensively to become a deep lying playmaker.

i searched this thread and ima go with moussa for now :)
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