My Rise to Stardom... on Football Manger 2013...


May 29, 2012
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Hello readers of this thread and FM Base users. Welcome to my thread - My Rise to Stardom... on Football Manger 2013... (tried to put some humor into the title, obviously it did not work).

In this thread, I will start Football Manager 2013 (I will be referring to it as FM) unemployed as a Sunday-league footballer and try and get a job, win with that team, get another job and so on. I'm not sure how long this will go on for, maybe for as long as the game can go or as long as I can be assed to do it (probably a week).

I consider myself as a average FM player, I'm not fantastic or ****.

So let's begin 'My Rise to Stardom... on Football Manager 2013...."

This game will only involve the top four tiers of the English football system, as I am doing this on my laptop and it is awful and slow.

Finding a Job
17 Jul 2012
To begin the whole story, I had to find a job. The only jobs available at the start of my game where the manager jobs of Blackburn (nPower Championship), Bournemouth (nPower League 1), AFC Wimbledon (nPower League 2), Wycombe (nPower League 2). I applied for all even though Wimbledon was the only one going to accept. I really wanted to managed a reserves team but you can't do that so I had to take what FM had given me.

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18 Jul 2012

As I expected, Wimbledon offered me a contract first but I asked them to give me a week to think things over but really I didn't want to go to them.

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