My scout says they're 4 stars, I buy them and find they're 2 and a half stars! Why???


May 16, 2015
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Hi everyone,

You can probably gather what the post is regarding by the title.

Basically, I'm playing as Manchester United and I've just started my second season. My midfield needed bolstering due to my return to the champs league, and I identified Kevin Strootman as the perfect addiction to my squad. I scouted him repeatedly for months using my 2 best scouts Antonio Lopez and Jim Lawlor (19 judging ability, 20 judging potential), and every single time they reported back that he was a 4 star player which persuaded me to fork out 40mil for him. When he actually joined my team though, my coaches report that he's only a 2 and a half star player! The same happened with De Bruyne - my scouts reported that he was a 4 star player and my coaches say he's a 2 and a half star player after he joined!

What is going on? My coaches are pretty poor at judging potential and ability, but surely they wouldn't get it so wrong? Or is that really the level those players are at?

Any help would be appreciated. This is driving me mad!
What is going on? My coaches are pretty poor at judging potential and ability, but surely they wouldn't get it so wrong? Or is that really the level those players are at?
Answered your own question.
Just signed a coach with 19 for judging ability and potential, and there isn't much difference. It seems my scouts have been telling fibs!
Those aren't his COACHES.

So, we just stick to the scout opinion!

Imo, coaches coach, scouts scout. Having a coach saying the potential of the players is redundant. You need to know what you have in your squad, no? If a scout says that a player have 4 stars, if you read the report, check players attributes and see something on him, you buy him and if you coach, which is great with tactic, says that he does not have a good potential... why bother?
Just signed a coach with 19 for judging ability and potential, and there isn't much difference. It seems my scouts have been telling fibs!
Why are you so bothered with the star ratings? If he has the attributes, then play him! Star ratings are subjective and are influenced by form as well. How did you scout him? Report card? Matches?
Don't worry about star ratings... I use to build my team around those in FM14.. in FM15 you just can't.
this is really getting on my nerves spent a fortune on jerome boateng and david alaba after scouting and with both being 4 star players when they sign they are now 2.5stars and leading prem players alaba is apparantly worse than arron cresswell this is something that really has to be fixed or changed in the game once your team gets to a certain level no player will improve it which is very unrealistic going further i have just managed to sign koke who i have scouted for the whole of pre season he was given a 4.5 star rating when he arrived he had dropped to 2 stars i am now annoyed
I'm in a United save, about ten seasons into the game, and I have the same problem with star ratings. But, the star ratings are all kinda dodgy. If you look at the report card, even at 2 and a half stars, it might say "World Class". That's the stage I've got to with my United team where 2 and a half stars is now leading premiership players or world class.
If the star ratings are inaccurate, then what exactly is the point in them?
You still haven't answered my question.

To answer yours, it's to get a broad idea of his quality. It's still subject to your staff's opinion and your own to judge how good he really is.
I'm in a United save, about ten seasons into the game, and I have the same problem with star ratings. But, the star ratings are all kinda dodgy. If you look at the report card, even at 2 and a half stars, it might say "World Class". That's the stage I've got to with my United team where 2 and a half stars is now leading premiership players or world class.
What's the "problem" exactly? 10 seasons in, your entire squad is probably world class or very close to. Your own players will be 2.5 stars, because that's the default rating. If you find players less than that, the opinion is that they're of lower quality than your current team and anything higher, is better than your current team.
What's the "problem" exactly? 10 seasons in, your entire squad is probably world class or very close to. Your own players will be 2.5 stars, because that's the default rating. If you find players less than that, the opinion is that they're of lower quality than your current team and anything higher, is better than your current team.

Sorry, i didn't mean there was a problem. I was trying to make the point that star ratings don't really mean anything, and sometimes they can just be confusing :)
Sorry, i didn't mean there was a problem. I was trying to make the point that star ratings don't really mean anything, and sometimes they can just be confusing :)
No worries. The main sources of confusion of confusion is that people don't realise that these ratings are a) subjective and b) being compared to your current squad.

I've seen countless threads/posts referring to player becoming "worse" because when they were bought they were 4 stars but they're only 3 now. It's just because your current squad got better. The player is just as good/bad as he always was. :D