Need 2 Consistant and Normal Players for 4 way Network game

Jun 4, 2012
Reaction score
Looking for 2 Long Term Players who enjoy Challenges, Building and developing one club or traveling the Continents collecting honours.

Gonna be starting with teams in either Championship or League 1 depending on the majority preference

Playing times
1-4Pm 5PM-10PMish Weekdays
11-12AM - 10PM Weekends
(all depending on peoples schedules)

Post steam details here and ill Add you when i get the chance.

P.S Require Hamachi
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I'll play add me on steam = Liamot33

I'll first need to sort out my laptop because its running slow currently. But I can get it up to speed. If not ill have to drop out so I don't slow it for others.
If your still looking for people, i'm up for it. Available most days from 2pm onwards.

My steam name is mattandbenny.