
Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score
I am asking for another manager game (MMO) which is very similar to FM but is not so active in terms of asking help there. I am looking forward to the moderator kindness to allow me to ask for generic football advise non game specific and answer it. I am aware the advise might be off, but it doesn't hurt to ask generic football principles:

I have a team full of 27-31 year old players with great mental stats like: Anticipation, Composure, Decisions, Determination, Reading of Game, Teamwork, Tenacity, Vision, Work Rate etc... etc... While I am superior mentally, I am not lacking physically or technically.
That said I am looking to take advantage of that mental advantage:
Here are the sliders the game offers:
Mentality: Defensive Normal Attacking
Passing Style: Short mixed Direct
Defensive Line: Deep normal High
Width: Narrow normal Wide
Philosophy: Rigid Normal Fluid
Tackling: Cautious normal aggressive
Closing Down: Back Normal Press
Tempo: Slow Normal Fast

As I said, I am looking to take advantage of that mental advantage over other teams.

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fluid...everything else as you wish
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so is it fluid mentality and mixed passing that takes advantage of high mental stats?
Fluid fluidity is fit for teams with greater mental stats. Passing should depend on the size of the pitch, so its best to leave it at at mixed, unless you wish to make appropriate changes every match
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