New Skins in fm10

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Aug 7, 2009
Reaction score

I got logos in mini faces to work but has any one got the skins to work. I tried in transfer fm09 bbc skin to fm10 but it doesnt work. Any one got any ideas???
Skins for Football Manager 2009 will not work for Football Manager 2010.

If you want skins you will have to wait for people to make them or maybe have a go at making one yourself.
i used the ones from fm09 and just copied to fm10. Is there a thread on here on how to start to make a skin?
yea but which ones there loads for fm 09 , im tryin them now none are workin?
Yeah some of the logos from 09 will work on 10.

I don't think there is mate. if you search google there will be a few good guides that should help you its really hard to make one tho someone said it took them 3 months to make one.
oh lol i dnt need it that much. Fink ill just wait for someone to make one. Thanks mate
Yeah they should do.

Remember to go into Options - Preferences - Display and Sound - Then
Un tick Use skin cache & TICK always reload skin on confirm
Anyone know when the first few are coming ouut

I don't think anyone dose, they will come out when people have decided to make them.

The guy that made the BBC Sport skin did say he was making a skin for FM10 he said that when the demo came out so that should be out in a month or two as it dose take a long time to make a skin so just going to have to wait and see.
You will have to wait until some new ones are created and uploaded.
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