
Nov 7, 2012
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I went straight to the board room to request a new stadium in my Liverpool save (year 2020) after winning the CL, and noticed that a new stadium was already in the planning phase. However, I never received a message in my inbox about this. I checked the starting date for the new stadium, and it was the day after my CL triumph. I double-checked the inbox, no message.

So I don't know how many seats or what it's going to be called. Which is kind of half the fun of getting a new stadium. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a chance I'll get a message after a while? It's just been 3 days since the planning started. I just assumed I'd get a message immediately.
Did some googling and found a thread on the sigames forum containing this post:

"I think the bug is only relevant when you don't get a news item about the new stadium (this is important). I got to a point that my board decided to build a new stadium, and indeed there was no news piece about it. The boardroom overview however showed that a stadium was supposedly being planned. I had saved the game just after the last match of the season, so I reloaded it and progressed a day or two and again faced the same thing - nothing in the news, but stadium was being planned. I reloaded the save maybe 15 times and then got the news item about the stadium, which was then built normally. I don't know if this will happen on everyone's saves, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try reloading a few times."

Just in case anyone else has come across the same problem. I will try reloading an older save, luckily I make backup saves.