
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Hi guys, i'm brand new to FM.

Everything has been going smoothly apart from I can't get my head around contracts/transfers.

I started unemployed and got a job with Deportivo and have won all my first 6 games. The team is great, but now a lot of my contracts are coming to the end and i need to renew them.

Now most the players are on a salary of around £15,000 per week (a couple of the key player £30,000) , but the board will only give me £1,700 max for all of my players. They won't budge and the players are never going to go that low. Does this mean I'm going to lose all my players because i literally can't renew even one of their contracts?

I even sold one of my main players for £2m and it didn't change anything :S. I don't know what to do can anyone help. The same is for transfers I can't afford anyone, not even the worst players.
Aren't Deportivo cash strapped? You might want to move the transfer budget into the wage budget though.
Thanks for that, i've just found the finances page. £500,000 in debt so you're right yes.
So if i managed to sell another bigger player for around £1.5m i'd be £1m in to the green. Would they then give me more funds for salaries then? I have already moved all the transfer budget into wages and i'm still £100,000 in wage debt.
Thanks for that, i've just found the finances page. £500,000 in debt so you're right yes.
So if i managed to sell another bigger player for around £1.5m i'd be £1m in to the green. Would they then give me more funds for salaries then? I have already moved all the transfer budget into wages and i'm still £100,000 in wage debt.
Depends if you get a percentage of transfer revenue. Whatever you'll sell will go into your balance but it won't help the budgets unless you get a percentage of transfer revenue. The wage budget is key to offering reasonable wages.
On the boardroom page, slide all your available budget into the "wage budget" as said above, this means you'll be able to offer more per player.

Also, if your still not able to offer a good wage, try setting squad status to key player for anyone you think will be in your first 11.