News Of the World - Now Costs

Apr 10, 2010
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If anyones willing to pay for that they should be sectioned under the mental health act:@

Who is going to pay for that ****, when all their storys are on the Sun's ****** website a few mins/hours later?
Most newspapers are going down this route and introducing charges to access their sites in the near future....
In Media Studies in college one of the main topics we were covering was digital technology and the way it is influencing Newspapers. This approach didn't work for the New York Times - who had the changes reversed - and it won't work for News of the World.
who actually would pay for it. its not like its the uk's best paper
Never underestimate the capacity of humans to be stupid.
Most newspapers are going down this route and introducing charges to access their sites in the near future....

Hmm, well, the BBC website will still be free of charge.. So aslong as it's 'news' your after, you will still be able to get it for free.
Most newspapers are going down this route and introducing charges to access their sites in the near future....

I know Rupert Murdoch was pushing for this....people will obviously buy it, how many idiot females buy Hello etc etc
The more of Murdoch's piles of **** that go paid only the better, hopefully then the blatant lies, sensationalist stories and his political agenda that emanate from them will be better contained.
That's so, so pointless. Sadly, there will be desperate morons who will pay it.
The fact that they expect people to pay for the print version of that **** is bad enough.
when will people stop buying tabloids??
I rather donate to a Donkey Sanctuary than pay for this rag, they make it looks as if it is England's most sought after and most exclusive newspaper
I rather donate to a Donkey Sanctuary than pay for this rag, they make it looks as if it is England's most sought after and most exclusive newspaper

I think the most popular UK newspaper is the Sun, which isn't great either...