Feb 15, 2012
Reaction score
I have tried starting a game as Arsenal and then I tried as Tottenham, but neither will offer me any transfer budget. No matter what I say I will achieve (Continental qualification, Title challenge etc.) they offer me a £0 transfer budget and a £1.2 million wage budget, which I know isn't realistic as I have previously made files as both of the clubs, and they have offered me Transfer budgets of around £15 million and higher wage budgets.
Does somebody know what's gone wrong?????? Please help!?
The same is happening to me mate. Its really annoyying.

1st season with benfica the board gave me 8M transfer budget.
Now in my second season after going to the semi-finals of the Champions League!!!, they gave me 0€ !!!

Is this some kind of bug??
When you set up the game, is the option to have no transfer budget in the first window ticked? this could be the problem
I understand why this happens. You must actually win events and all and then funds will start going into your Transfer Budgets. You also make money from transfers. So make sure you try to improve bad players into stars then clubs will be interested and will offer you money. Then if you do accept an offer, that money which is paid by another club, will go to your transfer budget. Then voila, you will start to get Transfer Budget money. Hope this was helpful