Nokia 6300 security code :(((

Dec 21, 2009
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Guys need help , i gave my phone to a friend and he changed my password :@ and even worse he forgot is there somtehing i could do????PLEASE HELP :(
1) Why would he change the password?
2) How would he forget it?
3) Why did you 'borrow' him the phone?
4) Why would you steal a phone?
5) No, there is nothing you can do as far as I know.
Just go to like the 02 shop and ask what you can do, if there's nothing you can do, just cry until they pity you..
1) Why would he change the password?
2) How would he forget it?
3) Why did you 'borrow' him the phone?
4) Why would you steal a phone?
5) No, there is nothing you can do as far as I know.

1)I asked him that
2)He said its 1231230 , its not!!!
3)We had a class he asked me to give him the phone to listen music...
4)I didnt
But if you were in 'class' then this would have had to of happened at least 2 days ago, yet you're only asking for help now?
Surely you would've been asking around/researching for the past 2 days trying to figure it out?
I was searching on internet ...found some mastercode but it doesnt work :( and asked a friend...he told me to get the battery out and leav phone for 2-3 days and then try.