Non League to Legend | Oxford City | Youtube Video Series

  • Thread starter Thread starter MacZade
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  • Replies Replies 8
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Dec 31, 2018
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Hi All,

My first attempt a youtube video. I have decided to start a Non League to Legend series with Oxford City mainly as they were predicted to finish 19th by the media at the start of the season.

In this first video my voice is a little off etc... I am a speaker and business owner and I cant believe how much trouble I had with just speaking into a mic for the first time LOL. The second video will be out soon.

Thanks in advance for watching I hope you enjoy the video. Please let me know your thoughts good or bad I can take it.

Mac Zade
Episode 2 of the Non League to Legend series with Oxford City FC.

We have made the first round of the FA Cup and face League two opposition in Carlisle, can we dream and make the second round ? If nothing else the money would be nice.

Thank you for watching please don't forget to Like and Subscribe if you enjoy the content.

Thanks, Mac
Non League to Legend ep.3 | Oxford City FC | Happy New Year

Non League to Legend Episode 3 is out. Shorter Episode today im full of Cold and Deflated. Things not going our way at them moment, but we will be back.

Please don't forget to like and Subscribe if you enjoyed the video for more FM19 content.
How did I get into YT

How did I get into you tube ?

Well my son is a streamer on twitch and has been stuck on around 500-600 followers for a while as his streams have been on and off for a while, he is desperate to get to 1k followers.

So I am telling him one night that he needs to keep at anything in life if he wants to be successful. So I say If I really wanted to I could get 1k subs on YT if I put my mind to it, well with that my wife bless her pipes up with " Well lets see you do it then, giving him (our son) advice and you cant / wont do it yourself " So I back track a little and say " well, err, ummmm......... I don't have time " My son then chips in with " No, no you said anyone can do it, are you scared now of even trying " etc... blah, blah, blah.

This goes on for a hour or so and then my two daughters join in so I fold !!! I say " Ok I will do it then and show you all "

So hear I am now trying to make my son realise that anything is possible. 80 subs in a few week so Im off to a good start ;-)

Thanks, Mac