
Dec 27, 2012
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Arsene Wenger Resigns
Arsene Wenger has resigned from his post as Arsenal manager. Wenger was in charge for 16 years but released a statement saying he felt it was time to move on and that he did his best and he was proud of his achievements during his stay in North London. The board also released a statement thanking Mr. Wenger for his services and added he will remain with the club in an advisory capacity. With relation to his replacement, the board said they are searching for a manager with fresh ideas.
- Andrew Collins
Sky Sports News

Arsenal Appoint Patrick Vieira as manager
Arsenal have rolled back the years to appoint Patrick Vieira as manager on a one-year contract. Vieira was at the club for nine years and played 406 games for the Gunners. He captained the side for two years including the Invincible season. Fans are relatively happy with the appointment of a club legend. Manchester City have been paid an undisclosed fee for his contract as he was a Director. Vieira has released a statement saying;
"It's absolutely fantastic to be back home. I have missed Arsenal and it is great to be back. I am really looking forward to this job because I want to win trophies. Last season I worked with Manchester City and I am looking to take that knowledge with me to the Emirates and I will work hard and make the fans and people looking at me know what I can do because I won't fail. This is one of the biggest jobs in football and to replace the man who brought me here is a shock but I wish him the best and I think if I win a trophy then there will be some weight off my back.'' The board released a statement saying ''The board can confirm the appointment of Patrick Vieira as manager on a one year contract. Patrick was an excellent player for the club and we hope he will be an excellent manager as well. He has our full backing and we hope he does well this season and beyond.''
- Andrew Collins
Sky Sports News

"I am aware I am expected to spend in the summer and I will but I will not go mad. I will be spending significant sums of money but I will not go overboard and overspend like my previous club, no disrespect intended and clubs like Chelsea and Manchester United. I am interested in a few people and I will not name names to avoid a frenzy. I was talking to Arsene Wenger a few months ago and Valencia wanted £30m for Juan Mata but Chelsea jumped in and payed up front. Anyway, I will spend this summer on players who can benefit the club. Not for the sake of spending money.''
An Interview With Patrick Vieira
REPORTER: Welcome to this Sky Sports News podcast, I'm Andrew Collins, Arsenal's reporter for SKY and today I'm joined by new manager Patrick Vieira. Patrick, thank you for joining us.
MANAGER: Thank you,
REPORTER: So Patrick, you have done a press conference but fans are still itching to hear your plans regarding transfers despite your statement. Our sources have fed us information about Arsenal having offered contracts to Demba Ba, Yann M'Villa, Anderson from Manchester United and the club have made a bid for Stevan Jovetic. Is this true
MANAGER: I have spoke to the board and I am allowed to confirm things so I can confirm Demba Ba will be confirmed as an Arsenal player in a few days, Yann M'Villa is negotiating as well as Anderson and yes I did make a bid for Jovetic.
REPORTER: Best case scenario, you sign everyone you want. How will they help your squad.
MANAGER: Demba, he is an excellent striker, Olivier Giroud is a lone striker and a second striker is crucial for injuries or a partnership. Yann, he can partner with Francis Coquelin in the Defensive Midfield, Stevan is young and vibrant and can inject flare and Anderson is a young player who can go out on loan and come back in his prime and help Arsenal win trophies, I spoke to him and he said he would love to play at the Emirates and that the Emirates is nicer than the Old Trafford bench. So yeah, everyone can benefit.
REPORTER: One last thing, is Steve Mandanda signing a deal as well?
MANAGER: Wait and see.
REPORTER: Thank you Patrick Vieira, I'm Andrew Collins and this is SKY SPORTS NEWS ARSENAL.

Arsenal Sign Demba Ba
Arsenal have signed Demba Ba from Newcastle for 7 million pounds. Ba has had a medical and his work permit has been given and he is due to be unveiled soon. Arsenal manager Patrick Vieira has released a statement saying ''It is brilliant to sign a player of such quality for a small price. Demba will fit in to the Arsenal setup and I believe he will score goals this season as he has shown last season. I am glad I could sign him before he was taken by another club and I hope that I made the right decision in signing Demba. I would like to thank Newcastle for not putting up any trouble during negotiations and Alan Pardew was good to work with and I hope we can do more business during the transfer window''