Jan 30, 2014
Reaction score
What players should i buy? only got around £2m to spend.. i'm currently looking through the squad to see if i can sell players to get an extra couple of million. The squad looks pretty strong, main philosophy is to sign high profile players.. but i cant with such a low transfer budget.
Villareal - LB and RB
Mario £5mil and Jaume Costa £3mil, make for excellent first team fullbacks.
Sell Ollson and Garrido, buy both of these helped me win the championship and BPL back to back using the Sir Goalalot Tactic

MK Dons - CAM
(Replacement for Hoolahan) Take a look a Ben Reeves £1mil, he's a cheap Shadow Striker that develops really well.
Thanks for your reply.

I will have a look at the players you have suggested. i'm currently sitting top of the table in mid January, Had a good clearout of players. Brought in Billy McKay from ICT, excellent buy, Also just signed Odegard currently injured atm.. and a few other players.