Not creating chances

Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Hi all,

Please excuse me if this is not the correct place to post this question and if this is just me being silly, but please bare with me since it's my first time posting.

It seem that my Ajax team is incapable of creating chances. My games just seem to flash by, and there might be 1-5 situations during a game that will be showed on the 3D match engine (I have the highlight mode set to show "key" moments). My past experience with FM, some 14 years is that it usually is quite the opposite when it comes to chances during the games.

I play a 4-3-2-1 formation, with mentality set to control and team form to very fluid.
For my four front men use a advanced forward, 2 inside forwards and an advanced playmaker, all on attacking duties.

I have had good success with these roles and settings going forward on previous games, (FM 14, 13, 12, etc.) but this version seems to be a bit more tricky.

My instructions are as follow: retain possession, shorter passing, work ball into box, play out of defense, whipped crosses, run at defense, exploit the flanks, play wider, push higher up, close down more, higher tempo.

From my point of view this should be goals galore in both ends of the pitch, but my last 8 games has been surprisingly low scoring. I even drew 0-0 away against Roma and Bayern in the CL.

So, that was my (perhaps to detailed) description of my problem. If someone here feels obliged to help, I would be forever grateful.
Try changing your advanced playmaker to support to link him better to your other 3 attacking players. It sounds to me like you are creating a big gap between your supporting midfield and your attack.
Might also wanna consider removing "Run At Defense" and "Higher Tempo".
What about the roles of the other players?

At the moment, your 4 players are all trying to get into the same space. You're going to end up with 3 players sitting on the D-line with the Advanced playmaker also close. Nobody is dropping deep to create space and nobody is offering width.
Problem is, burden has to be spread evenly. As stated above, you've got too many attacking players. Without a proper link up between midfield and attack, there will be unnecessary long balls which will be intercepted. Consider shifting one of the wide-men to Winger on Attack/Support. This will provide width, as well as help in the creation of more chances. Keep your Advanced Playmaker on support. This will also help in chances creation.

Take a look at your IF, and decide how good he is. If he has good teamwork and decisions, consider shifting him him to Support. While he will still cut-in, this ensures that he will also try to cross if the situation presents itself. Alternate mentality between Winger an IF. If IF is attack, then keep Winger as Support and vice versa.

Also, if you have an IF, try to ensure that your DR/DL tend to move forward when the opportunity presents itself. This provides width, and gives an outlet for your IF if he's pressured.

These are just generalised suggestions, btw, since I don't know your players or your player roles.

Also, just a tip, putting everyone on attack doesn't mean you have an attacking team to score goals. There are some pretty good tactical guides on SI Forums - Just take a peek at them if you're interested, they make a fascinating read.
Thanks for the valid input guys! I will defiantly try to implement these into my tactic.

I probably should have mentioned that I already use WB on both the left and right side to take advantage of the space my IF's create out wide. Are there some PI's that I can use to get some of the same effect with my DR/DL without giving them WB roles? This might be a tad to offensive, and my starting choices get worn out pretty bad due to exhaustion.

The attack/support burden is solid advice, and is something that I should have picked up on as 80% of my goals/chances come from when I win the ball far up the opponents half, and almost none come from playing through midfield. As you guys pointed out there was a massive gap between my midfield and attack.

Again, thanks for the feedback guys!