Not strictly online... but 'group competition'


Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
I posted this in the general forum area but just seen this sub secion and perhaps it's better suited here.


I have just bought FM2015 having been a longtime player of the FM (Champ) series and am looking for a new challenge. What I have realised is I miss competing with other people. I also realised I was spending more time picking my club to manage than actually playing as I wasn’t particularly motivated towards any team etc

But I realise there is a wealth of interesting challenges out there, for instance I’ve never managed outside of Europe, I just need the right push to do so.

As I play usually on the train to and from work in London and have a (very) young family I cant commit to an online game.

But I’ve come up with an idea (which I’m sure has been done loads of times before) to have a competition against other people to see how we do in when completing the same challenge and awarding points, and therefore a league table based on relative success.

I imagine a Formula 1 style leaders table with each ‘round’ a challenge with pre-determined scoring that each person undertakes.

So as an example – 10 people play, 1st​ challenge is to play a season as x random team, based on league and cup success we are ranked 1st​>10th​ with points based on position and there we have our first league table. We move onto the 2nd​ challenge etc

It’s not rocket science but think it would be good fun.

In terms of timing, I think keeping most challenges to a season or two and having perhaps 2/3 weeks to complete before we tally scores would be sufficient?

Who’s keen? I guess if we get some people keen we can start soon
I posted this in the general forum area but just seen this sub secion and perhaps it's better suited here.


I have just bought FM2015 having been a longtime player of the FM (Champ) series and am looking for a new challenge. What I have realised is I miss competing with other people. I also realised I was spending more time picking my club to manage than actually playing as I wasn’t particularly motivated towards any team etc

But I realise there is a wealth of interesting challenges out there, for instance I’ve never managed outside of Europe, I just need the right push to do so.

As I play usually on the train to and from work in London and have a (very) young family I cant commit to an online game.

But I’ve come up with an idea (which I’m sure has been done loads of times before) to have a competition against other people to see how we do in when completing the same challenge and awarding points, and therefore a league table based on relative success.

I imagine a Formula 1 style leaders table with each ‘round’ a challenge with pre-determined scoring that each person undertakes.

So as an example – 10 people play, 1st​ challenge is to play a season as x random team, based on league and cup success we are ranked 1st​>10th​ with points based on position and there we have our first league table. We move onto the 2nd​ challenge etc

It’s not rocket science but think it would be good fun.

In terms of timing, I think keeping most challenges to a season or two and having perhaps 2/3 weeks to complete before we tally scores would be sufficient?

Who’s keen? I guess if we get some people keen we can start soon

Nice idea bro! I'm well up for this!
Cool, hopefully we get a few more then we can get cracking and nail down first few rounds

don't have any specific to start us off we can discuss further, other than vague ideas like this;

ideas were spend a season something similar to below
- random team in south america
- random team in asia
- lower level european league
- lowest level in UK
- interesting clubs PSG- win champ?, Newcastle - win a cup?, Atletico - prove not a one season wonder etc etc
Cool, hopefully we get a few more then we can get cracking and nail down first few rounds

don't have any specific to start us off we can discuss further, other than vague ideas like this;

ideas were spend a season something similar to below
- random team in south america
- random team in asia
- lower level european league
- lowest level in UK
- interesting clubs PSG- win champ?, Newcastle - win a cup?, Atletico - prove not a one season wonder etc etc

Maybe you could do a "Predicted Last" round, or a "No Signings" round with certain teams? :)
great ideas, this is what i needed to get me motivated!
got 2 responses of people interested in the 'general discussion' forum. so 4 of us so far.

perhaps give tomorrow to see if anyone else wants to join in the fun...then let's get this thing started