loads of tactics around the forums, all pretty much give the same results, i figured that i'll post new stuff once i find something which can be alil bit more consist for the majority of the people. and besides i haven't seen many people who were looking forward to test this versions when they were valid so i figured that people are just not interested.
i asked for a new update tactic because i'm interested but thanks anyway ;)
i made a new testing versions of our overload 4-3-3 flat tactic.
so far results are good, here is just my last game vs juv

View attachment 117523

here are the new OI you need to set for this one.

View attachment 117522

there are also some set pieces changes:

View attachment 117521View attachment 117520View attachment 117519View attachment 117518View attachment 117517View attachment 117516 (throw ins set to short if its hard to see)

Formation :

View attachment 117515 - keep in mind dlp (s) can be changed to dlp(d), if you need some more defensive options.

please make sure the tactic is fluid as much as possible as this is an overload version and so it needs to be as much fluid as possible for it to properly work.

which stats do we prefer on our players:

wb - crossing
d - positioning
cm - vision, first touch,passing, long shot
st - long shot, finishing,heading

the link to the tactic - http://www.filedropper.com/hunter6bed1dd8-02e4-486b-a381-2a5c4d012ed9

goodluck everyone :)
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def pos vs stronger opponent atk pos vs weaker opponent. match training until 90% fluid and balanced all the way
&^& latest version of my 4-3-3 flat, i'm keep testing it full season but so far results are amazing. please let me know how it does