firstly it is Ochoa, not Orchoa (he is not a whale... Orca)
secondly, yes he is still great, not as good as last year I dont think, but similar...
Off-topic - Orca's are dolphins,not whales. I dont know from where the name came from
And yeah Ochoa is a great keeper
No, Orcas are whales. Killer whales, to be precise.
Dunno about Ochoa, I reckon he's not as good as in the last one. His stats seem the same though, so maybe it's just me.
The killer whale (Orcinus orca), commonly referred to as the orca, and less commonly as the blackfish, is a toothed aquatic animal belonging to the oceanic dolphin family
Can a mod please re-name thisto debate fish names and move it to the fish section please!![]()