Official Release - National Stadia Backgrounds

Dec 23, 2009
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National Stadia Background Pack

Resized to 42% (was 1600 x 900) - Click image to enlarge

Stadium Backgrounds for ALL 212 nations in the game

Pictures show on both Team Screens and on Gamedays

Backgrounds are done for 1600 x 900 (widescreen) resolution

but they can be used on any screen resolution

Download instructions/path: my documents/sports interactive/football manager 2010 (0R YEAR YOU ARE USING)/skins/(FOLDER OF SKIN YOU ARE USING)/graphics/backgrounds

You can use this pack in conjunction with other background packs. Just keep both config.xml files in the folders that they came in, and all should be fine. This is an awesome way to supplement your current background pack(s).

Description: This background pack contains shots of all 212 nations. Most pictures are of the nation's National Stadium, but includes team shots for nations that use various stadiums for thier home pitch. I have focused on high resoultion pictures (1600x900 or higher) for the highest quality. Pictures of stadiums with a lower resolution are streched to 1600x900 for a consistant image. I am very proud to offer the most detailed and comprehensive National Stadia pack available anywhere. I have spent well over 200 hours finding pictures of the most obscure nations on earth as well as finding the best high quality pictures for all 212 nations. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Note: Do not upload this pack onto other sites without my permission. I will hunt you down to the ends of the earth, catch you, light a cigarette in front of you, then rip out your stealing little heart. Afterwards, I'll use the cap of your skull as an ashtray. After that, I'll send little bits of you to your mum through the post. For several years. I suggest not doing it. You may, however, link to this page.

Thanks to the Fine Folks of FM-View for their knowledge and wisdom, and to Geordie1981 for the inspiration.

Especially Tuvalu:P.

Good stuff, shame it is so late into FM10, but I am sure they will work on FM11.

Yeah, the pack took a while. and yeah, I've got Tuvalu. ****, I got Wallis and Futuna Islands.

yep yep. check it out.
Mate, there is 220 national teams in the game.

Nice work KIU
I aint downloading them, so I wont be looking, sorry.

I use the default skin and BG dont work on that so no point downloading them.

lmao, depending on if you do them for FM11 etc. and providing the skin on fm11 allows BG then I may download these