Oh god no this cant be... FM why :s


Jun 4, 2010
Reaction score
Im so ******* depressed woke up doing my daily stufs i usually do though start FM 11 and this happen.. I lost everything.... Only got it installed on steam but every dl, every save every freaking thing i fixed for my FM 11 is gone :S

Feels like a part of me is gone. And it was like 10gb++ or more data files, pictures, other nice stufs making my FM alot more beatiful so now i gotta start over :'( :'(

And my save with Afc telford reaching Premier league and United win everything with them on 2nd season... :@ :@
I feel for you, must be hard. Only advice I could give it take a break and wait it out until FM 2012 if you're getting it.
Thanks for support and stufs :) Yeah friend was like commenting about it was in bad mood cuz of it.. Guess he dont understand the whole thingy with FM... :P Did dl some packs, and stufs but doubt i will play much better just wait for fm 12 and enjoy some coffe and United vs chelsea game
unlucky, better just waiting for FM12 now which is out next month :)
Yeah can't wait for it :) View attachment 195795

lol found this picture love evra sucks he play bad lately :(

Also Fifa 12 out soon aswell so gonna prolly forget about Fm 11 sh-t then :/ Demo is lovely playing it atm gonna get gamepad and preorder it for pc in few days
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Do you have a girlfriend?

Mine has been plotting to murder my PC for about 4 years now. I have to keep them in separate rooms when I'm away.
Haha really? Ur gf dont like you to play FM ? :o
And nope i havent... how come ? free and single, play life simple :)
How did it happen in the first place?
I though i moved everything from c disk and really needed a format.... And i usually do backups on favorites and other important files.. and fm ofc since its quite big with all extra data and pictures... So late hrs or more like early morning i make the format and guess what forgot about FM stufs and lost it with the format sadly :(
Ouch. Just....ouch. That's pretty much why I let my other half do that sort of thing. I'm always guarenteed to balls something like that up at some point or forget something.