Old firm in the Premier League


Jan 6, 2011
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Old Firm in the Premier League

Following promotion to the Premier League Blackpool and West Brom where found to have not paid the tax man for the past seven years, and with the tax man looking to make an example of football clubs, both where issued with winding up orders. Following this panic set in at the FA however following discussions with the SPL it had being decided that both Rangers and Celtic should help from the EPL. However both Blackpool and West Brom face the ultimate penalty and have being banned from taking part in English football, this is the consequence for not paying the tax man. Following this the highest reputation teams from Scottish Division have being promoted to the SPL and so on. If you wish to download this database with both Rangers and Celtic in the SPL click the link below. Any problems or issues please discuss in here. Feel free to discuss your games and how you are getting on.

Would have been better if you had just relegated Blackpool and West Brom but I do like these sort of DB's, downloading now :)
Thanks a lot tell me what you think of it :)
How could you relegate West Brom :'(
Nope if you read the story they where deleted due to financial problems ;)
Where have all their players gone then? Not going to download as I don't agree with Celtic and Rangers being allowed in the English Football League, but well done if it works.
I believe they have being released and made free transfers :)
I believe they have being released and made free transfers :)

They haven't been released but considering their team isn't even in a division they are willing to talk to pretty much anyone
looks good, this, I will download :)
Thanks a lot, tell me if there are any issues :)
you should delete Man Utd. and Chelsea from English football then
Where have all their players gone then? Not going to download as I don't agree with Celtic and Rangers being allowed in the English Football League, but well done if it works.

But It's Ok to have Welsh teams in English football league ;)
Rather than debate it download the game ;)