Only conceding headers?


Feb 7, 2012
Reaction score
After making a new tactic, I switched to Key highlights so I can improve to make my tactic good.

I have noticed that 80%+ goals I concede are from Crosses / Corners / IDFk.

How can I stop conceding so many headers?
Are most of the headers scored against you won because players are stronger/taller or is your cb's marking being unnefective?
I think it is my marking. I am going to try Def Set pieces for a couple games. See how it goes. Get a clearer luck at the problem
I created a post lastnight, Me being me (A lazy ***) Didn't bother looking round before posting and was told to put it in a thread that was already made.

But basically the thread was about Crosses/Corners and what not. I stated in pretty much every single game, 95% of the games are wide based, Every team constantly puts it down the wings to cross in and more then likely score.

This game is way to based around wide play, You very rarely see a goal scored from a good pass down the middle of the pitch, It's almost always a ball crossed in from a wide position and it's very frustrating. I can't stop it, Just leaking goals time and time again from wide play.
Do that and also see how many players are staying back in defending set pieces.
Thanks for the reply's guys. Glad to see it isn't my own fault lol.

Attacking I score most goals through the middle + passing ect. Works very well.
I resolved problem s bit :) Atm i playing 3-4-3 with 3 flat CB's then 2 wingbacks and 2 dm's (DLP and Anchor) and its going good i dont concede goals from corsses in game, still working on defensive corners (also scoring alot in this tactic )
Just lost 4-0 to Juventus.

2 goals from Corners ( Dede headers ) 1 goal from a cross ( Head ) and another from a CB mistake.

It's so frustrating :|