
Apr 17, 2010
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Hi, I'm currently managing Paris FC ( 1st season ), and when i tried to use the training schedules ( created by Dunc ), it didn't work. Why does this happen?
Hi, I'm currently managing Paris FC ( 1st season ), and when i tried to use the training schedules ( created by Dunc ), it didn't work. Why does this happen?

In what way did they not work. Are you enable to assigne the players to them or is it a lack of progress ?

Anyway, Its much better to bring up these kind of problems in the specific tactic/training threads (
Dunc's Training - FM2012)
. This way, you are more likely to get the attention of the TS/Author that is the person most likely to provide the best answer :D
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i couldn't assigne the players to them.

thanks for the help :D
Bruno - It's because those schedules are for full time players, all your players are Part-time, you'll have to wait till you get promotion and sign some players on full time contracts.
not to come over as overly pedantic but are you really managing Paris FC or do you mean PSG ...